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RE: Pizzagate repository just got censored by github - Backup links + Updated info

in #pizzagate8 years ago

I'm curious, is Gizmodo part of the conspiracy as well? I've read through some of this stuff, and it all seems pretty ridiculous to me. Could there be some truth to it? Sure. Has anyone shown hard, irrefutable evidence beyond just coincidence? Not that I've yet seen.

I seems to me many involved who are looking for the "truth" seem to forget the nature of humanity to believe a lot of really stupid shit. Humans like to make connections. Our brains enjoy making sense of things and putting the pieces together to find meaning (even if no real meaning is there). Books like Thinking, Fast and Slow explain how this works with System 1 and System 2 thinking.

The "proof" that people are backing up and that is getting censored... I dunno. I remain highly skeptical. Seems to me, if it's not true, some people are getting their lives pretty messed up by an army of internet wanna-be private investigators. Some people are getting doxed. When reddit shuts down a community for doxing, is that censorship or is that protecting privacy and enforcing rules of a community?

What concerns me most is how some people will react emotionally to my comment there. The tribalism "us" verses "them" will kick in once again. They will think I'm part of the "sheeple" for not seeing through all government controlled narrative. From my perspective, I see a growing group of people with faulty epistemologies. Their mechanisms for determining truth are flawed (as are mine).

I'm all about free speech, finding the truth, and not censoring whistleblowers. At the same time, I'm all about shutting down abusive people and abusive action which hurt innocent people. The pizzagate seems too much like The Satanic Panic of 1980's and 1990's.

If you think this is all real, please give this Rational Wiki a read:

Keep an open mind. Stay skeptical of your skepticism.

Correlation is not causation.

Coincidence is not evidence.
