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RE: Pizzagate repository just got censored by github - Backup links + Updated info

in #pizzagate8 years ago

I upvoted because I respect your opinion, but I disagree completely and you clearly haven't researched a lot of the material if you believe what you're saying. I've been saying this stuff for at least 10 years, this isn't a recent "satanic panic" no matter how people will try to spin it.

(Btw that link is broken, and I remember its content from years ago anyway - the whole site is kinda condescending misinformed bullshit tbh)

I'm definitely not endorsing violence, and I don't want to see the "us vs them" mentality come up more. I see lots of emotional reactions on both sides, I'm going to do my best to not engage mostly - I hope people remember this is a touchy complicated issue that means different things to different people and getting sidetracked with arguments is pointless 99% of the time.

There's always the mute button.

Keep an open mind. Stay skeptical of your skepticism.
