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RE: Ontology / water condensing

in #poetry6 years ago (edited)

On Water Condensing.
I like the contrasting nature of water you establish here. The condensation being a process of change from intangible to tangible states (in the case of vapor), even if into a malleable and fluid state. The apparent fragility of water when held in "pieces" that scurry through our hands, can also be majestically destructive and raze temples to the ground.
Less is more, they say. Less water, more concentration; less words, more meaning.
Water can damage, can change the course of things, not only their shape.
What is it in human nature that resembles water?
The more people join crookedness, the more we are in need of a whirl to condense what's salvageable, to straighten what's been twisted.
I see the poem dismantling conformity and mimicry, emptying the trash of social conventions and washing it all out in the street. It may be a time of mourning or a time for celebration.
Some people, if in dire need of water, cheer for the rain. Others may even cry about the consequences.


A deft response to a piece which allows plenty of ambiguity in interpretation @hlezama. The central image is that of water, webbed, fogged (or even frozen) as it winds its way through our worlds (both inner and outer). The interplay between "chaos" and order is explored, as well as the idea you so perceptively noted, the balance between the traditional and the experimental, or conformity and innovation.

Thanks. I just loved the barrage of images and sensations condensed here. Wonderfully insightful and introspective.

I loved how your thought twists from "water" to "words". It's just splendid, the perception of less water making more concentration and less words making our mind being more concentrated on their meanings unlike looking at piles of words that are actually just a tool to make the meaning less concentrated, less obvious, less reachable... or sometimes even to hide a lack of meaning...

Thanks. Glad you can relate to that idea.