Rantings and ramblings, What programs are you running?

in #ranting7 years ago

What programs are you running right now? What beliefs do you hold onto as truths? How do you think this world works? What are your scared cows? Why do you hold on to these beliefs? What things do you hold to be true or the "just way it is" so that life seems easier? Who do you give your authority to? (Yes your beliefs also qualify is this) Who are you a slave to? Who gave you your beliefs? Who are you? Who are your neighbours, friends, family, strangers? Why are you here on this planet? Do you remember why you came here? Why do you have this power of thought and consciousness? Who is reading this right now? Who is watching the thoughts? Who is breathing? Are you your body? Are you your mind? Are you something else? How did you change as you grew up? Did you conform to suit the people around you? Did you take the easy safe way? Did you accomplish your goals? Did you eat what they told you to eat, drink what they said you would like, read what they told you to read? Did you watch the shows and play the video games that others around you did? Did you buy the clothes and products you saw others around you buy? Did that make you who you are today? The choices of shows, books, clothes, religion, experiences, friends, The school you went to, college, family, degree, culture, society, where you live, what house you live in, even the food you eat. Did those choices define you? What about the things you didn't have a choice in? The choices the government and your country made for you. What about the choices your parents made for you? Did this make you who you are? This probably put some programs in you but it isn't you. What makes you, YOU?

There are so many ways that we are influenced today that I thought I make a small list in prodding questions. I think almost all of us are lost in this world and we just kind of push on and don't think about it too much. We end up focusing on more "pressing issues" like paying rent, the electric bill what we're bringing to that party that we have to go to. I think that's kind of crazy, we don't even give the question "Why the hell am I even here?" any thought. I think that answer is unique to every person and should be answered specifically and personally through experience. In general terms "Why are we here" it is to experience all that is. If you were an all powerful creator how would you spend your time. If you experienced everything that is every pleasure everything imaginable. Maybe after you got bored of all this bliss you would say "Hey wouldn't it be great if I forgot everything and thought I could die and their was real danger" and poof it happened. You would create contrast, yin and yang, duality and forget and go on playing in your knew reality. You would also split into billions of different consciousness so you could interact with yourself all along the way. Their would be rules (limits, and boundaries) that you create so the game would be fun. That's sort of what I think we experience here and now. I think it's a good program to have running, It's probably pretty close to the truth. I don't want to get too attached to it but I think it brings some clarity.

I feel off my original topic. How much of your life is run by programs of fear? Usually a good way to tell is if you say "I want to but" or "I have to before I can". I want to go on that trip but I have to work that weekend. I have to work to get fiat currency to pay for the house I live in and the food I consume and the shit I buy. Where does this fiat currency come from? The government, the Federal reserve, the bank? WHY DOES IT EVEN EXIST? To create scarcity and keep people enslaved. Look into it why can no one step foot into the Federal reserve? It's all just made up fucking numbers and it's run by Psychopaths obsessed with power and not just power, power over other people. It's a system of bullshit, that leads to the domination of human race. Taxes are extortion, if we replaced the government with say a gang what the hell would be the difference? There's a reason for everything they do. They poison the water with fluoride and hide the studies that prove it has no benefit to the body. They poison us with "medicine". Control the drug trade (90% of the world's opium is in Afghanistan). Create fear and terror in the media, through war. Spray the sky with chemicals. Poison the food with GMOs and pesticide spray. Strip the world of it's natural resources. They make laws and statues that only put people in prison and paying fines. It's all a big lie and when you put a dollar sign next to everything you do it makes it more insidious. The parasitic system is literally killing us, and programming us it's helping us. So step out of it.

Find who you are. Do you want power over people? Do you want to dominate someone with debt they will never be able to pay? Do you just want abundance? Do you want to help people? Do you want to feel love? Do you want to give love? Do you want to end suffering? Do you want to feel safe? Do you want true liberty and freedom for all? What do you want? What do you desire? Who are you really? Are you your programs? Are you your ego? Your mind? Your body? Your spirit? Your emotions? Something more? What do you feel shame about? Why? What's really going on inside? Can you sit with your thoughts for 10 mins? Can you stop thinking, stop the programming? What can you create here?

Your thoughts are just energy. Which patterns of thought are you tuned into? What do you tell yourself? Who is telling you? Can you sit as the observer of thoughts? If so... who is watching the observer?

These are very probing personal questions and I don't have the answers to a lot of these questions but I believe they can help you find yourself. Notice when these ideas pop up in your head question them. The journey inward is really what it is all about, the reflection will be the journey outward.