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RE: are you in search of best life and world? Follow me not but Jesus Christ. king of universe. bow before and worship him.

in #religion8 years ago (edited)

Ok, I see no problem if someone looks for righteousness and morality, but I have serious objections when you attach morality to personal faith in god and etc. One thing is independent of the other. Morality has to do with rationality, empathy, not subjective faith in dogmas.


good , you said well but we need to take the other versions. you said man's version. I tell you the God's version.: " what is seen or visible are uncertain but what is unseen or invisible are certain. in the ancient days there were only the oral teachings, but now the moral teachings have come up. according to the time and situation the messages were changed.
" Faith is the substance of the things hoped for, and it is an evidence of the things unseen."
Faith and trust in/ on the person of Jesus, will give you the success and also over come the world. " the whole world is going very fast in the wrong direction" I hope many even you don't like to lie or cheat and also live morally but we are failed to what we believe." what we don't like we are keep doing, living in it, it is our nature . this nature is called sinful.
many claim that the God is their father and guide, they are also lie and fell guilty. Men like to be good and holy and pure. this desire made the men to search for the truth and God.
at last why we all come to this platform? it is better than the other social media. it is free to share our feeling and views which will empower the people across the world. why we choose to work with this ? to earn cryptocurrency and we get the reward for the content. so finally you get on to the righteousness of God which different from this world.
If any one desires, this corrupted world must be changed, then one has to come to the platform of truth, honesty, and integrity.
"if you do not get the recognition or reward for the work you have done, then you will leave those people. like wise what God has done for the mankind, they did not respond to his word, they did not recognize HIM not even they thank him.
that is why, the God left them to be reprobate minds.
so all the human being must come in humiliation before the God, in realizing and repenting for their sinful nature and seek his grace and mercy to save them from the Hell. that is what we preach the gospel'. the lost people lost the paradise and lost the fellowship of God. now the people, if they desire to be good and holy, be the child of God through faith in the Jesus Christ. now gain the Paradise. i hope you have understood and followed me. thank you for the patience.