Part 1: I changed my life and became a runner.

in #running4 years ago

Me 2018: I will run only if I’m being chased.
Me 2019: Ok I’ll try the treadmill because it’s a part of this workout guide my best friend wants me to join her in doing and I’m kind of over the Jillian Michaels DVDs we’d been doing
Me further into 2019: Wow! Running on a treadmill is actually great!
Me 2020: Covid boo! Gyms closed 😭 How will I run?
Me further into 2020: You can run outside?! Wow, this is even BETTER than running a treadmill!
Me 2021: Is it running time? I NEED to run! This is awesome!

Ask anyone in my family, I am the last person they would have expected fall in love with running. Athletic my whole life, I’ve always been on the move playing softball, basketball, volleyball and tap dancing. But I’ve never enjoyed running. So in 2019 when I felt I needed to start moving more frequently and my best friend started these Sissfit workout guides (a review post to come later!), I thought I’d join her. Three weights workouts and a few runs a week was there plan to keep each other accountable. Having zero knowledge of running and a 4 and 2 year old at home depending on me, I decided to research how to run and not get hurt. It helped me learn proper form, how to breathe and how to keep injuries low. Got myself a gym membership and started!


Part 2 coming.... “Great things never came from comfort zones”