The Purpose of Life → Data ?

in #science-fiction3 years ago (edited)

I published this piece on Medium as EasyWriterRC


All Life and even the Universe has a beginning and and an end. Like a bit that has 2 states On and Off.

What we design, write, draw, film, mold or whatever we make out of it is our personal experience.

Within our first years we learn to use and control our body, explore our surroundings. We don't know yet who or where we are, it is simply not relevant. More important is everything that we can grab, smell, chew and feel.

The older we get the wider goes the horizon of exploring. Some stop at a certain point, some learn and grow until they meet the final destination of all organic life.

Up until the end of my 20's I was always distracted to find a purpose for my life, the higher meaning. I travelled Earth, met different cultures, people, listened to, made with them, recorded their music and the sound of their lives, in towns, nature and cities. I was restless observing, being observed, learning and being studied. Opened myself for the whole spectrum of human life. I didn't stop there, had loads of friendships, relationships and shared intimacies with humans no matter the sex.

Then one day I simply stopped being peripatetic and that was the moment I allowed all these impressions to sink in and really become part of me. I listened to my music, to field recordings, viewed videos, pictures, my paintings and read those thousands of pages I had written and stashed away.

30 years of my past had a sudden reunion, I met myself from the 10 years old up to the 29, it felt a bit like time travel and many things I had archived away appeared back in front of my inner eye. I even emotionally relived one or the other memory, met people that were long gone, saw places that were no more.

I was happy about the person I had become and that was exactly the time and place to find a partner, someone I could exchange this plethora of reciprocal knowledge each of us had.

I'm thinking about it that way, what can words, that no-one reads accomplish? Maybe someone reads this text in a few hundred years and might be inspired to share his vision. We will never know for certain but unshared words will never inspire someone.

At the moment of writing I am 38 years old and father of a 3 year old. I bring my wife and son together with my younger self's. We play games, run around in the garden. I share with him the wonders I found and he shares and adds his thoughts and ideas in return. The same goes for my wife, we find almost every day some little new detail together or share how we see our son.

My wife and son already increased the size of my world, it is like living on 3 planets because 3 sets of eyes, ears, tongues, fingers observe different, our minds process information in our unique ways, even the way we perceive time is another.

What makes us unique as humans is the data stored in our minds, our experiences and that translates in who we present in the superficial world.

We both might taste the same food or see the same color but in reality, my food might still taste different my green might be your red and your yellow might be my blue. When we look at the color it is the same for you and me, we both know that the traffic light is red, yellow and green and we react to it the same way but still what your eyes translate it too might be completely different to mine.

My favorite example is eating a rare tomato, it might taste nice and refreshing for you, whenever I taste a rare tomato it is causing me a gag reflex and it tastes like something absolutely disgusting. The reason is, when I ate my very first tomato my taste buds were not fully developed, this interpretation is stored differently in my brain. Same taste two different outcomes.

This understanding made me think a step further, if we think away our organic shell, what are we but the sum of data collected from the beginning to the end.

If I combine this thought with my own belief that we are all part of the same universal energy and that our task is to find the right self by going through challenges within the constraints of a universe in itself. That means I believe that if I die I move forward to the moment the universe dies and be randomly distributed into another organic form. Whatever we do, we improve, we can't skip. If we commit suicide we will end up living the same life in the same time only having different intuitions and until the natural cause redistributes us.

As a result of that, everyone around us is connected and when we meditate or sleep we connect with someone, most of the time not knowing who that is but sometimes meeting up and having this weird feeling that we met before. This theory makes our universes ourselves as part of the universe itself and the darkness we see when we close our eyes is the boundary of it. But that my dear readers is a different kind of story.

Let's just say we are pure data and now think of what implication that would have for us as life forms?

One thing it means is that not only are we all unique, we are also all the same, whatever or wherever we are placed into. That skin color, ethnic background, brain capacity, sex and whatever there is that you think distinguishes you from another is not existent.


Try to consider all life is just a form of data that is preserved in data, if this is true it will set you free from superficial biological distractions.




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I wrote that article and posted it here and on medium, is that bad ?