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RE: The History Of Vaccine Series

in #science7 years ago

@reddust, I am only just now coming to read your series. My mother sent this to me knowing it would be something I'd want to read. You've done an excellent job here.

While it doesn't go with the vaccine side of things, may I recommend a book to you that I know would add to your picture of eugenics? I know it offered me a way of thinking that I had never considered.

The book is Jewish Eugenics by John Glad. You can click the title link to a free download or go to the website and scroll down to find it. I have a physical copy and it has hundreds of pieces of paper and postit tabs coming out of it.

The micro-chronology portion, which encompasses most of the book, painted such a larger picture for me. I should put what I see in a post, not hijack your comments section, so I won't try to fully explain myself here and now.

I will say now that these people that are adversarial to this planet, that seem to see any and all life as theirs to manipulate, the Ashkenazi 'Jews', I can empathize with them in a way.

According to this book, and it's source materials that I looked to and could find, the result of this long running inbreeding has left their offspring often suffering from the saddest of diseases. When I read this book I found myself feeling for the mothers and fathers of these children.

I don't know if I've made much sense here. There is really so much more to it. I hope you will check out the book, and that others will too. If you do, don't stop reading before you reach the micro-chronology because that is the most important part.


@camille1234, thank you for the book, my husband works taking care of data bases for libararies and I am going to have him get this book!

My daughter had her DNA tested she is 98% Western European with 1/500 Ashkenazi Jew and Native American, African, and Neanderthal. I find our genetic history fascinating but because of the discovery of epigenictics what we go through in our enviornment shapes us more than we think or understand right now. When my writing skillset improves thanks to Steemit (I grew up hating writing and math), I will write about how we are not our genes, they are just a blueprint, we are shaped by our envioronment and how we react to our envioronment.

There are populations of Muslims that have problems with inbreeding as well. Where I grew up landholders in Oregon usually married 3rd cousins, never straying far from the family becuase of our isolated rurual life. My family was not part of their breeding population, we moved to Oregon after my father died. This caused many problems for their offspring that didn't show up until the 4rd or 5th generations. But you also have to take into account the harsh chemicals used in industrial farming and our medical system that cultivates disease for profit.