The History Of Vaccine Series

in #science7 years ago (edited)

Eugenics, Cults, and Vaccines

Peoples Temple

America is full of weird cults like the Jim Jones and the “Jonestown Massacre.” From what I’ve read there is no such thing as a Utopia we can build to escape this world because we humans are a mixed bag of nuts. Until we let go of our old conditioning, we will continue to build per our conditioning. Have you ever wondered if your opinions are not your own? Because of the digital media age, we have constantly subjected to other people's opinions without the data and education to form our own opinions. We suffer from lack of sleep, constant work because of digital devices, and a high sugar diet, which is exactly what cults do to indoctrinate their new members.

Before Jim Jones, there was John Humphrey Noyes and the “Perfectionist Oneida,” who was opposed to monogamy and started a community for breeding indiscriminately. Any adult could have sex with those who were part of their society.

John Humphrey Noyes and the Oneida Perfectionists

Noyes argued, monogamy runs counter to the laws of good breeding. Noyes quoted, “While the good man will be limited by his conscience to what the law allows, the bad man, free from moral check, will distribute his seed beyond the legal limits.” Noyes inspiration was 
Francis Galton who ran a cult of wealthy elites who mated with each other but kept a strict pedigree of matings and offspring. Both cults continue on today, Oneida cult turned into a profitable corporation, changing with the times. Galton’s cult produced rich drooling idiots and psychopathic geniuses, which I think are running the world.” All farmers know you don’t breed too close to the line or you get livestock that sickens easily, produce poor quality offspring and are unstable.

Traits Studied By Eugenicists

Charles Davenport an American scientist graduated in natural history was a champion of the science of good breeding, commonly called, Eugenics. Back in 1910, he called upon Mrs. E. H. Harriman, the widow of Edward Harriman a rich railroad magnate. Mary Harriman introduced her Mother to Davenport. She was liberal of that time and felt the eugenics program would help the common man. If you have read my “History of Vaccine Series,” The common man throughout the world was suffering from disease and poverty because of the industrial revolution and displacement of the common people from their rural traditional cultures and lands.

Charles Davenport letter to Mrs. E.H. Harriman about Eugenics Record Office (9/11/1910)

Mrs. Harriman and Mr. Davenport got along famously over lunch, and Davenport found a major sponsor for his program. He wrote in his diary, “A Red Letter Day for Humanity!” For the common people, this couldn’t be further from the truth.

Mary Williamson Averell

Mrs. Harriman granted one $500,000.00 at that time factoring in inflation in 2018 equals $7,166,395.35. Reminds me of Facebook and the internet gathering data on everyone. Davenport hired teams of people to go across America knocking at people’s doors asking for their hereditary characteristics. He was collecting data on exceptional people through interviews and questionnaires.

Eugenics Record Office

Not only did Davenport's investigators gather data on the working class, the rich, but also they gathered personal data from prisons, poorhouses, asylums, hospitals. The people who lived on the edges of society, mentally deficient, deaf, blind, poor, and sick must not be allowed to breed and ruin the blood of the nation. America was the beginning of the modern day Eugenics movement, which Adolf Hitler incorporated into his plans for improving Germany.

Field Notes and Student Work

Over thirty American States had marriage laws by 1914 that forbid idiots and the insane from marriage, this includes the feeble minded and unfit. Who decides who is feeble minded and unfit? Those who hold power, money, and hard assets, just like today. You can see the same thing happening regarding who decides what is fit and just, right or wrong, hate speech, without a trial of their peers. Indiana had implemented laws by 1905 forbidding the marriage of the mentally deficient, people who carried transmissible diseases, and alcoholics. Within a few years, sterilization and castration were added to control the purity of the Nations blood. Those who lost their ability to reproduced were the insane, epileptic, those of a criminal nature, drug addicts, and sexual offenders. The people who did not fit into the new industrial society were not only marginalized, but they lost all their rights to reproduce.

The Forgotten Lessons of the American Eugenics Movement

From 1907 to 1928 over 9,000 unfit members of America’s population were sterilized to prevent them from passing on their unfit condition to future generations of Americans. Charles Davenport team of eugenicist felt there was at least 300,000 feeble-minded, persistent masturbators, criminals, insane and diseased out in America breeding and polluting America’s blood and Eugenics Police wanted to stop them!

The Age Of Fear

Charles Davenport's program became well known within a few years. Doctors, scientist, mathematicians, social reformers, men and women of good standing, many had good intentions founded concentrations camps, gas chambers, and allowed experiments of Dr. Mengele. Charles Davenport sent a letter to Mrs. Harriman thanking her for the fire she had kindled; he stated, “It is going to be a purifying conflagration someday!”


As movements often do the Eugenics program went from good intentions down the path which leads to hell. By the mid-1930s, scientist started to rebel. Hermann Muller, a Noble Prize Laureate in genetics said, “A mere faced for “advocates of the race and class prejudice, defenders of vested interests of church and state, Fascists, Hitlerites, and reactions generally.” What happens with every movement including the movements of today certainty regarding one’s good intentions, in the end, were no more than dressing up one’s prejudices in fancy clothes and expensive perfumes to hide a filthy, rotten corpse.” "The Traces Linger On.....Vestiges of this racist American eugenics program still linger to this day. The Federal government continues to fund 90 percent of the cost of sterilization of poor women under Medicaid and other family planning programs, but will not pay for infertility treatments."

The Population Control Holocaust

Tetanus vaccine may be laced with anti-fertility drug. International / developing countries.

The eugenics program went underground. The Rockefeller Foundation, headed by John D. Rockefeller, “Ills population Council, the World Bank, the UN Development Program and the Ford Foundation, working with many others, including WHO developed an anti-fertility vaccine using hCG hidden within the tetanus vaccine and other vaccines.

The Lancet on June 11, 1988, published an article titled “clinical Trails of A WHO Birth Control Vaccine confirms the findings of the Comite Pro Vida de Mexico. The reason the scientist used a Tetanus Toxoid to carry the hCG (Human Chorionic Gonadotrophin), because the human body naturally makes the hormone HCG. Vaccine virus along with the hormone in injected into the body will start attacking hCG as an invading enemy, rendering the patient sterile.


Additional quotes and Research Material

Several types of drugs are known to diminish male fertility, but those tested have serious problems of toxicity. Very little work is in progress on immunological methods, such as vaccines, to reduce fertility, and much more research is required if a solution is to be found here.”

The possibility of using vaccines to reduce male fertility was something that needed to be investigated further, according to the Rockefeller Foundation, because both the oral pill and the IUD were not suitable for mass-scale distribution:

“We are faced with the danger that within a few years these two “modern” methods, for which such high hopes have been held, will, in fact, turn out to be impracticable on a mass scale.”Rockefeller Foundation annual report, 1968

Death by Vaccination: The Gates Foundation and the New Eugenics

Several years ago, the Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation and the Rockefeller Foundation, along with the World Bank, UNICEF, the WHO and a group of pharmaceutical companies, united all in something called GAVI and set out to bring massive polio vaccination first to India. GAVI: The Vaccine Alliance was founded by the Gates Foundation in 2000 as a “public-private partnership” to unite in assaulting poorer developing countries with the Big Pharma vaccine industry they would otherwise be spared.

In India Gates, Rockefellers and WHO with their Big Pharma partners convinced the Indian government to spend some $8 billion of their scarce funds, along with a tiny amount of “seed” money from GAVI partners, to vaccinate Indian children.

Unscrupulous Special Interests and Their Vaccine Crusade, F. William Engdahl, NEO, April 7, 2015.

In the early 1990’s, according to a report from the Global Vaccine Institute, the WHO oversaw massive vaccination campaigns against tetanus in Nicaragua, Mexico and the Philippines.

Comite Pro Vida de Mexico, a Roman Catholic lay organization, became suspicious of the motives behind the WHO program. When they tested numerous vials of the vaccine they, like in Kenya today, found they contained the same Human Chorionic Gonadotrophin, or HCG.

They found that to be very curious in a vaccine designed to protect people against lock-jaw arising from infection with rusty nail wounds. Tetanus is also rather rare, so why a mass vaccination campaign and that for only women of child-bearing age?

HCG is a natural hormone needed to maintain a pregnancy. However, when combined with a tetanus toxoid carrier, it stimulated the formation of antibodies against HCG, rendering a woman incapable of maintaining a pregnancy, a form of concealed abortion.

Unscrupulous Special Interests and Their Vaccine Crusade, F. William Engdahl, NEO, April 7, 2015.

Other lines of current immunological contraceptive research continue to seek what, during the 1930s, Max Mason of the Rockefeller Foundation called “anti-hormones”: vaccines to block hormones needed for very early pregnancy and a vaccine to block the hormone needed for the surface of the egg to function properly.

Adele E. Clark in her book titled Disciplining Reproduction explains what the elites were planning as early as the 1930s

Hidden in plain sight – The global depopulation agenda Chemical concoctions act as a global pandemic to further population control by Nathanial Mauka , October 26, 2016

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Very interesting. Did not know about this HCG yet.

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Jim Jones is a false preacher killing all his followers including himself, he interprets the Bible falsely and believing in a verse that is maliciously added by the unscrupulous translators.

Vaccines have a long history way back to the olden times and it has been evolved to a more advance medicinal practices until to this day.

Jim Jones used the Bible and his "interpretation" of it to manipulate people to get what he wanted out of them, mainly having power, control and ability to have lots of sex with under-aged girls at will. Sick and disgusting.

I think Jim Jones and other cults like his were case studies for black opps that study how to manipulate populations...hahaha

Religions to me are vehicles for our mind, they can be used to take us to the highest points or straight the depths of black evilness.

Vaccines if you read my series started from old wives tales from the Turkey...they were never medically sound and have not been throughly tested.

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This is amazing! I always had a feeling vaccines were linked to the powers at be and it being used to control the population. There has been a huge increase in couples unable to get pregnant naturally since the 1950s. I would suggest the culprits being the vaccines, adulterated food, fluorinated water, chem trials...etc.

I think infertility issues and cancer can be directly linked to vaccines, fluoride in our water, poor diet and lack of a healthy life style (obesity and diabetes) thank you @victoriacallowy

@reddust, I am only just now coming to read your series. My mother sent this to me knowing it would be something I'd want to read. You've done an excellent job here.

While it doesn't go with the vaccine side of things, may I recommend a book to you that I know would add to your picture of eugenics? I know it offered me a way of thinking that I had never considered.

The book is Jewish Eugenics by John Glad. You can click the title link to a free download or go to the website and scroll down to find it. I have a physical copy and it has hundreds of pieces of paper and postit tabs coming out of it.

The micro-chronology portion, which encompasses most of the book, painted such a larger picture for me. I should put what I see in a post, not hijack your comments section, so I won't try to fully explain myself here and now.

I will say now that these people that are adversarial to this planet, that seem to see any and all life as theirs to manipulate, the Ashkenazi 'Jews', I can empathize with them in a way.

According to this book, and it's source materials that I looked to and could find, the result of this long running inbreeding has left their offspring often suffering from the saddest of diseases. When I read this book I found myself feeling for the mothers and fathers of these children.

I don't know if I've made much sense here. There is really so much more to it. I hope you will check out the book, and that others will too. If you do, don't stop reading before you reach the micro-chronology because that is the most important part.

@camille1234, thank you for the book, my husband works taking care of data bases for libararies and I am going to have him get this book!

My daughter had her DNA tested she is 98% Western European with 1/500 Ashkenazi Jew and Native American, African, and Neanderthal. I find our genetic history fascinating but because of the discovery of epigenictics what we go through in our enviornment shapes us more than we think or understand right now. When my writing skillset improves thanks to Steemit (I grew up hating writing and math), I will write about how we are not our genes, they are just a blueprint, we are shaped by our envioronment and how we react to our envioronment.

There are populations of Muslims that have problems with inbreeding as well. Where I grew up landholders in Oregon usually married 3rd cousins, never straying far from the family becuase of our isolated rurual life. My family was not part of their breeding population, we moved to Oregon after my father died. This caused many problems for their offspring that didn't show up until the 4rd or 5th generations. But you also have to take into account the harsh chemicals used in industrial farming and our medical system that cultivates disease for profit.

@reddust, excellent expose as always on the evils of eugenecists with needles!! Thanks so much for putting this vital information out for Steemers to ingest. Resteemed! Now, we have synthetic DNA vaccines on the horizon and the creation of the completely synthetic "human" genome. Get ready for some new pronouns and categories of "people" deserving "rights" in the next socially engineered psy op from the Gates et al psychopaths!

@Dakini5d, the genetically modified animals for human organ replacement was my cellular biologist professor's many scientist feel there are too many unknown unknowns playing with systems we don't understand completely....I feel the same way....I've been reading about synthetic human genome project....sounds like one of those scienfiction books I read back in the 90s is coming true...

Thank you <3

If a pig carries human protiens on their liver to avoid transplant rejection...are they human?

I almost lost my son because I didn't know any of this when I had him. The blind faith we put into authority figures as of late will be our downfall. Pointing out the members of what I call the death cult will obviously slow them up and save lives. Question everything!

We should never had blind faith in anything, including our own ideas and opinions. That is why it is so important to read and study all points of view and come up with your own opinions based on experience. We are not allowed to do this anymore, especially in our education system and social circles. This scares me because of what I've read from our past history and repressive governments and ruling elite. They use our ignorance for profit and control.

Is your son okay and how old is he now @gregorypatrick, I read with proper diet one can heal most of the damage from adverse vaccine reactions.

I appreciate the kindness. It was a terrifying expierence but my wife and I devoted ourselves to finding the answers for him and we wised up quickly. I believe there's always a way to bring the kids who were hurt back, my solutions are not the easiest to put in practice though. We rearranged our lives alot, I homeshcool the kids so there isn't more damage done and became a cheif/nutritionist to deal the allergies and what not still lingering. My wife is practically is an apothocist and homeopathic medicine woman at this point. It's worth it to us but the list of sacrifices goes on a while. We made our bed and we're laying in it so to speak.

My husband and I have made sacrifices as well and I made sure my kids weren't vaccinated way back in the 80s. I knew vaccines were not healthy because I have memories of severe reactions to vaccines as a child. I raised my kids on a farm far away from the cities and didn't allow junk food or junk TV in our house!

I think the sacrifices are what will save us as a species, I am glad you found a way to health!

Funny you should mention it, moving out the city is the next step in our plan. We afe putting the house up for sale as we speak and homesteading. That's what led me here and to start blogging, taking advantage of the blessing sites like this and Patreon are as a life line when we get in trouble out there. You don't know what you don't know and that's the scary part. Good on you for getting it done back in the 80's, that's impressive to a guy like me who may not have tried with out the internet.

I will include your lovely family in my prayers, I had my middle child at home😉 and breast fed all three...not allat one time ...hahaha each one weaned themselves around 1.5 years old.

Fascinating post. I'll have to go back and read your other posts in order to educate myself. I'm aware that for centuries Kings and Queens in Europe rounded up young men of lower classes by the use of "press gangs" and used them as pawns in wars. To the nobility these peasants were very expendable and not worthy of their notice. Perhaps there was an unwritten understanding between nations that the fate of death by war was not only acceptable but natures way of culling the hordes. We have not come very far ...even today those who rule behind the scenes seemingly have only contempt for those who die on the battle field. I doubt any tears are shed.
I know this is a bit off subject but the attitude of the Elite prevails not only as evidenced by the use of HCG and forced vaccinations, but in banking systems, and in the use of propaganda and increasing government control over all facets of life. Perhaps for the Elite freedom is considered their domain.

@mistermercury, I knew how common people had been treated all over the world by ruling elites. However, I didn't know how badly the European common people were treated since the medieval period until I started the history of vaccine series. Right now it looks like the Western World has it so good because of a brief period of economic freedom for the common people. But we still are tax slaves and now our rights for self defense and freedom to rule our body and property as we see fit is coming to an end. This looks like a cycle to me that has happened throughout human history.

Since the industrial period the treatment of people living on the common land became horrific as they were pushed off their land by the ruling elite because they no longer needed them to cultivate the land and their crafts. The industrialization of crafts and food the ruling elite needed factory workers and miners not farmers.

I found cities looked a lot like factory farms we have today and that is why we have allopathic medicine. Harsh chemicals to treat infectious diseases caused by poor food quality, never ending stress, and crowded living conditions. Eugenics is part of industrialization of farming humans. Today we see the inbred ruling elites and their enablers ruining the world because of their crazy hubris. The harsh treatment from chemicals and taking without returning anything good is sterilizing our world and killing the symbiotic relationship we have with everything in this world. We all are intimately tied to everything else on this planet and our insane rulers are blind to symbiotic relationships because of Darwins laws that allow the strongest to survive.

I know all about fiat currency and the banks ruling the world, that's why I am on Steemit...hahaha

Dang! It's good to read a well thought out response. You even use "big" words, as my kids used to say. (Crap! You see even I do it when my guard is down... I judge, rate, and categorize too. And here I am the almost-got-my-shit-together person.)

Anyway...yes, indeed, we are still captives of the most ancient of all human motivations: survival. And the alphas and psychopaths among us have the urge to dominate not only other humans but nature in all its forms. It seems their goal and paradigm is to have all things be subject to their control. It seems to be a natural phenomenon of their exclusive culture.

I think ultimately, there is little hope of overcoming the elite, since the vast majority of humans are seemingly locked into their own paradigm of very limited observation, and a natural focus on their immediate survival and is normal and OK. So what then do we do to change things since we've come to understand that "power corrupts and it corrupts absolutely"? Perhaps there must come a revolution, a transformation of thought and perspective from within the culture of the elite. They must change by their own will. So how do we help bring that about? I don't know, but there certainly must be a way.

The only other thing I can see that will change things is some cataclysmic (oooh, that's a big word too) event that will destroy the delusional Empires of the elite. Perhaps nature or natures God will finally say, "Enough. Enough!" and shrug us off like ants on a picnic blanket. Or perhaps we will experience some cyclical event of nature that we have no control over such as an ice age, or extreme solar induced age of warming, or perhaps a major meteor strike or some similar event. We humans can hardly comprehend such a thing from our perspective as the chosen species in all of creation, but nevertheless, these events, and cyclical patterns do occur and will occur. Perhaps then, we'll be forced to be something other than the raving beasts we've been thus far. Oh my! Starting to sound Biblical here. but perhaps that is what is needed.

In the meantime we are exceptionally blessed to be able to participate in the creation of a new paradigm here on Steemit. Imagine the galaxies of possibility that we are part of! Blessings.

I think advanced (technological type) human civilizations have been wiped out several times by war and natural catastrophes....I have memories of riding dinosaurs...they had feathers and clucked like chickens....very loud bawk...bawk...hahaha

I haven't heard the word "Dang" forever, makes me homesick <3

I have my seeds, firearms, bugout bag, and good boots, I am good to go, and on the right side with what is "good"....... I am ready for volcanoes, meteorites, or psychopathic warmongers...

Of course good friends make this path meaningful <3

I know a few big words, I am a reader girl...hahahaha

Don't they say "Dang" in Oklahoma?

I took a peak at your blog and noticed you are a practicing Buddhist! Even committed to the life of a bodhisattva. i call myself a-fool-of-an-almost-Buddhist. Last year I came across Jack Kornfields book, "The Wise Heart" that really struck a chord within my heart. So I'm in the process of exploring in greater depth the "practices".

But you fascinate me. You refer to your prepping activities. Something I do to. I mean how can one look at the world and not think we are on the cusp of some mighty transitions. Oh, well... I ramble. Have to go write! Too much "commenting" today even though I'm delighted to have found like-minded folks.

Dang! (could not resist) Off to write I go! Blessings.

Buddhism taught me real compassion, loving kindness and wisdom, something I hadn’t known growing up. When my teacher told me I needed equanimity my first retreat I asked, “what’s that? 😂😂😂😂 I’m a redneck Buddhist, Wild as a March hare ....I can’t believe I actually was befriended by a Korean Zen Monk who taught me compassion by putting up with my crazy wild ways. I owe Sunim my life ....I start tearing up thinking about how he helped me save my life (long story’). I stay on the Path just because he believed in me❤️

Growing up in the foothills of the Oregon Cascades you have to be’s not really anything’s common sense, the world will never be a safe place.

I enjoy talking to you, you feel like family😉

Greetings Reddust. I live on the east side of the Sierra's in Carson City, NV. Just down the road from the Cascades. My path to Buddhism has been a very convoluted one. I can't say I'm a Buddhist (to independent still) but I sure love all the teachings and practices I've come to know so far. Would love to hear your story of Sunim one day. Me? I was raised a Mormon but bailed out after 30 years of very devout service. I don't regret the years being LDS (too much at least). Once I left them it was a rather strange path to where I am now. Oh, and assuming you still live in Oklahoma, my father was an okie and came to California during the Great Depression. If you ever read "The Grapes of Wrath", by Steinbeck that is exactly how my dad got out west.

Anyway, look forward to sharing and getting to know you. May you be blessed with equanimity (Ha! when I first came across the word I had to look up the definition. Still working on it's application in my life, but actually making progress.)

Sickening, but unfortunately not surprising :(

I've been wondering why the big push for the flu shot in recent years? I haven't looked into it, but even if there's nothing EXTRA in an immunization ie HCG, mercury, etc. if enough people are convinced they need them something can be introduced at any time to control the masses. Let's hope future "population control," doesn't include outwardly killing the injected--a move beyond sterilization.

I read a book in the 80's, I think it was titled In Spite of Your Doctor and it was all about child immunization and how most physicians were not inoculating their own, but happily promoted it for the common.

Thanks for a great article.

My next article will be what is in flu shots and other vaccines and how antibodies have nothing to do with long term imunnity. I will look up the book, I am collecting books for research and any references are helpful, thank you @kimberlylane <3

You probably already have this one on your radar, but "Dissolving Illussions..." by Roman Bystrianyk and Suzanne Humphries puts in historical context the unfavorable risks vs. benefits of vaccines. Prior to reading this I like most people blindly bought into the vaccine dogma.

I think I have dissolving illusions...I know Susanne Humphries from another blog.. Doctor Mercola

nice post, honestly i don't know much about the diseases but after reading your post i gained good knowledge about leicester method and it is good to stop the smallpox, i have a question did the smallpox and chickenpox are the same diseases or different. thanks for sharing very nice information with us.

When I started writing this series I had no idea about the Leicester Method, I knew about hygiene and diet playing a part in preventing communicable diseases. But I had no idea how huge the hygiene movement was and how it changed the Western world and vaccines claimed all the success!

@moniristi smallpox and chickenpox were two different disease as per my knowledge

Interesting with some history learning. Vaccine indeed is a controversial issue, and seeing the history of its development I can understand that even more !

What is your general opinion of taking vaccines today ?

Now you know why many people don't trust the medical community, pharmacuticals, and their government @shihabiee