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RE: The Global Warming Frauds

in #science7 years ago

I stopped at "didn't get warmer" because, honestly, just look at the graph you can find in e.g. Wikipedia:

2014 was the warmest year ever recorded (after 2010 I think), then 2015 was even warmer and 2016 AGAIN.

But no, it's not getting warmer m(


Well... If it's on a graph on Wikipedia it must be true!!! Numbers may never lie, but liars always use numbers. Anybody can make a graph (even Bill Nye) that shows anything they want. Those statistics are completely bogus! The last several winters have been cooler... you shouldn't use the word "honestly" and then come at me with a bunch of bullshit- it makes you look like part of the deception!!!

Then please show where the numbers used in the graph are wrong.