The Global Warming Frauds

in #science7 years ago


I read an interesting article in the American Thinker (see link) about "global warming," or as the loonies now call it, "climate change," after discovering that it isn't getting warmer at all. There is, of course, several other terms for climate change such as weather, seasonal change, etc.. The "debate" surrounding this naturally occurring phenomenon epitomizes the politicization of science. The entire impetus behind environmental legislation hinges on two things- taxes and votes.

Carbon taxes based on bogus science are merely a way for governments to extort money from corporations, causing money that could be used to provide jobs to go for corruptocrats who in turn use the funds to provide grants for "further study" to equally corrupt organizations such as the Sierra Club and Greenpeace. These organizations control large blocks of voters- many of them anti- progress luddites that have been brainwashed since grade school to believe the "Earth is in peril." In truth, as far as the "scientists" affiliated with the "research" have already determined the outcome beforehand and grasp at straws looking for "evidence" to back it up.

The fact is that changes in temperatures have occurred since the beginning of time and will continue long after humans no longer inhabit the planet. At the forefront of global warming prognosticators is Bill Nye the Science Guy. He along with other noted scientists such as Al Gore, Leonardo DiCaprio and Jimmy Kimmel advocate jailing climate change "deniers." I thought I'd take a look at Bill Nye's qualifications as a scientist, and I'm glad I did.

Bill Nye received a BS (how appropriate) degree in education from Cornell. Given that I have an MA, that would likely make me more of a scientist than Bill. It also goes a long way toward explaining why his TV show was to sell bogus science to children rather than adults who would likely see through the nonsense. Interestingly, he made about $6.5 million from the Disney Company as an entertainer with his nonsensical show (that I wouldn't allow my children to watch).

But no amount of genuine scientific data or common sense will keep the government from gouging corporations for carbon taxes, or from pretend scientists like Bill Nye and Al Gore from making money from the climate change suckers.

GIF by @papa-pepper



That article did nothing to challenge the assertion that climate change is real and very dangerous. You're wrong if you think it's not real, but even if you don't think it is, everyone has to do everything in their power to prevent it.

Even if you don't think it's likely that the planet is warming, the asymmetric outcomes -- destruction of the planet if you're wrong vs. some short term loss of jobs in fossil fuel fields that would later be replaced by jobs in renewable energies if you're right -- dictates that everyone must prepare for the worst.

This is not a black swan prediction, this is a very likely outcome resulting from positive feedback loops caused by the planet warming. Take scientists seriously, not nonsensical arguments that attack Bill Nye and outspoken liberal celebrities. Of course it's good to question everything, but this article did no such scientific questioning, it merely echoed stupid statements that people have been making for years such as "why is it snowing outside if the planet is warming? Checkmate, climate scientists."

Well said. I'd like to add that stopping the funding of fossil fuels by governments would level the playing field for clean energy technologies and start to break up a virtual monopoly that energy companies have. Allowing individuals to generate their own power through solar rooftops or local geothermal production could let everyone power electric vehicles at a much lower cost. Less pollution and more individual control over power seems like a win to me. Plus electric vehicles require less maintenance and have fewer moving parts and so should be easier on the environment and save people money.

It is very obvious that the planet is rapidly changing. Even by my non-scientific direct observation I can see that. I think we need to learn to walk lighter on it imho.

Been in China for a week and just got back in time to read this article and the few ridiculous responses. I hate to keep showing this graph, but somehow the ignorance is so large that I'll continue until it sinks in... I had friends over from Canada a few weekends ago and there were comments about the recent hurricanes and earthquakes... I couldn't hold back and showed them this graph. The answer: Can't you see the temperature swings are getting faster. I was left speechless for a short time. If anything, you could argue that the temperature cooling peaks are getting deeper each time they occur, but then again, I'm not into predictions. But I am more of a scientist than either Gore or Nye; BS Engineering and MS ME. Why is it that those most ignorant are usually the ones selling an agenda?

By the way, the black haze was gone in Shanghai. I was told that the normally worse haze in Beijing is also gone. The government started enforcing their regulation that limits the amount of pollution allowed by manufacturers, by shutting down hundreds of corporations without a second thought. If anyone wants to have a real argument about pollution, you won't find anyone to argue against. It in fact causes the black haze and can be directly turned off by shutting down the plants generating it. It has a real effect on people's health. It does not have an effect on climate change. Climate changes; period.


That's an interesting graph from circa 2009 and it is interesting to view the more updated version of it:


The article that goes with it on global temperatures is interesting to read too. The scaling on the chart appears to be a bit off because the peak temperature at 1100 B.C. shows higher than the peak recorded in 2016 yet the article states:

... land and ocean readings have rebounded to the highest levels in recorded history in 2016 with a temperature of 58.69 degrees Fahrenheit.

The chart shows a possible cooling trend in the 2020's but who knows. The key point I see from it it the jump in temperature in the 2030's from fossil fuel emissions and the fact that the scale is possibly inaccurate. The article states:

... However, Mankind’s activities of the burning of fossil fuels, massive deforestations, the replacing of grassy surfaces with asphalt and concrete, the “Urban Heat Island Effect,” are likely creating more harmful pollution. Yes, we believe we should be “going green” whenever and wherever possible.

What the fuck is going on here? An anti science post tagged as "science" and most comments agreeing with it?

Global warming is not "bogus science" or a "fraud" as you call it. I don't want you to become defensive but, please, do proper research..

The fact that Bill Nye has a BS and you an MA is not important. You're making an argument from authority, which is a fallacy.

It's an anti fraud post... go back to coloring

If you had done proper research you wouldn't be airing your ignorance in public, on a permanent blockchain. Please, cease to embarrass yourself.

If you haven't been keeping up, it's the Sun that plays the majority role in fluctuation of climate.

Human caused "global warming" is most certainly bogus science and fraud. The human caused global warming hypothesis is the claim, shifting the burden of proof notwithstanding.

Acting personally outraged that someone would make such an obvious statement, and attempting to frame any response as "defensive" is also fallacy. Putting forward your uninformed, baseless claim as "science" is another.

If you have any claims that have not already been found to be mistaken or outright fraud, I encourage you to science away, please do. More evidence is required if you are to maintain your claim to the truth.

An important part of the scientific method is to question and challenge. If you don't think that is okay then you are practicing religion, not science. So this and ANY post challenging anything in the field of science should be welcome. Instead of ridiculing, belittling, character assassinating, or using ad hominem attacks do what the scientific method dictates. Respond with science.

See above graph for the facts...

I stopped at "didn't get warmer" because, honestly, just look at the graph you can find in e.g. Wikipedia:

2014 was the warmest year ever recorded (after 2010 I think), then 2015 was even warmer and 2016 AGAIN.

But no, it's not getting warmer m(

Well... If it's on a graph on Wikipedia it must be true!!! Numbers may never lie, but liars always use numbers. Anybody can make a graph (even Bill Nye) that shows anything they want. Those statistics are completely bogus! The last several winters have been cooler... you shouldn't use the word "honestly" and then come at me with a bunch of bullshit- it makes you look like part of the deception!!!

Then please show where the numbers used in the graph are wrong.

Gotta love that the American Thinker piece linked to is written by an ophthalmologist. Not sure why his opinion might be thought of as weightier than that of thousands of climatologists, but perhaps I am underestimating ophthalmology.

You need to prepare for rising sea levels...

Oddly, actual climatologists are better at understanding science than are writers for a science-denying online magazine.

Amen to that. But don't say anything too mean to this snowflake. he'll flag all your posts in revenge!

I haven't seen him flag anyone before for simple disagreement. If you flagged him first then next time you say "snowflake" and ad hominem attack people make sure you are staring in a mirror.

Here is one of his actual comments elsewhere in this thread ...

"I had some mook flag my post! So I returned the favor (his disappeared) I tag my flag #education... Never start a flag war with someone that can make you disappear!"

Yeah. Someone flagged him first. So no shit. If you shoot at someone why act surprised if they shoot back.

Haven't you gone away yet? And didn't you flag his post first because you didn't understand it?

With 11 followers and $51 in your wallet you are packing heat...

Odd that a wombat knows more about "global warming" than Vanilla ICE!

The information to demonstrate that human caused climate change is an insupportable hypothesis is readily available to anyone with access to the internet. Learning how to extract the truth from the soup of errors and lies is the teaching that is the most useful and somehow the most difficult in which to interest others.

I've grown bored attempting to educate those who don't seem to be able to find and parse the information themselves. So many people want someone to hold their hand all the way to the truth. I'm simply not getting paid to endlessly pour out knowledge that I've spent so much time, effort, and focus on gaining.

The truth is good to care about, but I find that almost no one wants it. Those who do, few as they are, are almost all already in possession of it.

Those who genuinely want help in the form of knowledge usually don't need it. Those who aren't interested in the truth can rarely be led to it, and cannot, should not, be forced to drink.

I'm certain that you know these things. I've seen your posts on John Taylor Gatto.

You have a good memory my friend! I think I may have done one or two on Charlotte Iserbyt as well. By the look of the comments (except for one- some poor unfortunate that can't understand why anyone agrees with me... he probably grew up watching Bill Nye) I'm preaching to the choir.

There's a line about truth in The Big Short I love... "The truth is like poetry and everybody hates fucking poetry!"

The polar ice is increasing.
The sea levels are falling.
The atmospheric temperature is decreasing...(global average)


Yeah... but they rigged the game. All of that is "Climate Change" :P

Why do you think they stopped calling it "Global Warming" they instead chose the super set that all climate fits in... so they literally can't be wrong.

The earth could turn into a literal frozen ice cube and they'd still say "See, it's climate change" :)

It IS climate change.
and humans have absolutely ZERO to do with it.

Well if we can usher in an ice age just imagine all that new coastal property. :)

"American Thinker" - is that magazine popular? :)

I wouldn't know... I read things because they consistently have factual articles. I gave up on popularity when I was 10!

Popular is always best

Didn't Vanilla Ice say that???

Actually, Vanilla Ice said:


If stuff like that came out of my mouth I'd keep it shut more often. I'll give him the benefit of the doubt. He was under pressure.

I understand that when he "grew up" he came around... I seem to remember seeing something about him going into the remodel business.

I guess I was pretty stupid when I was younger, enough, at least, to keep me wanting to learn.

It may have been Heinlein who said that he asks himself "how many kinds of idiot am I today?". It may have been Robert Anton Wilson, I don't remember.

I resteemed your post and I wrote a post of my own. My post is not to challenge what you said, but is instead inspired by some of the comments I see you receiving.

Do you truly understand science? Okay, do you understand an appeal to authority falacy?