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RE: The Global Warming Frauds

in #science7 years ago

The information to demonstrate that human caused climate change is an insupportable hypothesis is readily available to anyone with access to the internet. Learning how to extract the truth from the soup of errors and lies is the teaching that is the most useful and somehow the most difficult in which to interest others.

I've grown bored attempting to educate those who don't seem to be able to find and parse the information themselves. So many people want someone to hold their hand all the way to the truth. I'm simply not getting paid to endlessly pour out knowledge that I've spent so much time, effort, and focus on gaining.

The truth is good to care about, but I find that almost no one wants it. Those who do, few as they are, are almost all already in possession of it.

Those who genuinely want help in the form of knowledge usually don't need it. Those who aren't interested in the truth can rarely be led to it, and cannot, should not, be forced to drink.

I'm certain that you know these things. I've seen your posts on John Taylor Gatto.


You have a good memory my friend! I think I may have done one or two on Charlotte Iserbyt as well. By the look of the comments (except for one- some poor unfortunate that can't understand why anyone agrees with me... he probably grew up watching Bill Nye) I'm preaching to the choir.

There's a line about truth in The Big Short I love... "The truth is like poetry and everybody hates fucking poetry!"