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RE: The Global Warming Frauds

in #science7 years ago (edited)

Been in China for a week and just got back in time to read this article and the few ridiculous responses. I hate to keep showing this graph, but somehow the ignorance is so large that I'll continue until it sinks in... I had friends over from Canada a few weekends ago and there were comments about the recent hurricanes and earthquakes... I couldn't hold back and showed them this graph. The answer: Can't you see the temperature swings are getting faster. I was left speechless for a short time. If anything, you could argue that the temperature cooling peaks are getting deeper each time they occur, but then again, I'm not into predictions. But I am more of a scientist than either Gore or Nye; BS Engineering and MS ME. Why is it that those most ignorant are usually the ones selling an agenda?

By the way, the black haze was gone in Shanghai. I was told that the normally worse haze in Beijing is also gone. The government started enforcing their regulation that limits the amount of pollution allowed by manufacturers, by shutting down hundreds of corporations without a second thought. If anyone wants to have a real argument about pollution, you won't find anyone to argue against. It in fact causes the black haze and can be directly turned off by shutting down the plants generating it. It has a real effect on people's health. It does not have an effect on climate change. Climate changes; period.



That's an interesting graph from circa 2009 and it is interesting to view the more updated version of it:


The article that goes with it on global temperatures is interesting to read too. The scaling on the chart appears to be a bit off because the peak temperature at 1100 B.C. shows higher than the peak recorded in 2016 yet the article states:

... land and ocean readings have rebounded to the highest levels in recorded history in 2016 with a temperature of 58.69 degrees Fahrenheit.

The chart shows a possible cooling trend in the 2020's but who knows. The key point I see from it it the jump in temperature in the 2030's from fossil fuel emissions and the fact that the scale is possibly inaccurate. The article states:

... However, Mankind’s activities of the burning of fossil fuels, massive deforestations, the replacing of grassy surfaces with asphalt and concrete, the “Urban Heat Island Effect,” are likely creating more harmful pollution. Yes, we believe we should be “going green” whenever and wherever possible.