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RE: The ULTIMATE Smartcash Mining Guide for AMD and NVIDIA

in #smartcash7 years ago

Hello, I'm mining with two machines, one with a GTX770 and one with a GTX980M. Needless to say, the GTX980M is performing much better than the GTX770.

Another thing is my ASUS router has built-in Trendmicros real-time maclicious malware detection and it was blocking traffic for the mining, once i removed it from the router's config.. the mining worked flawlessly


Very good information! I might have to work that router malware detection into the post somewhere. Thanks for the info.

one more thing. I'm using sgminer I think i get about 80MH/s but when using ccminer I get around half that.. 48MH/s. I'm using old Nvidia cards GTX770