Why do you spend time on Steem?

in #steem5 years ago (edited)

Are you here for the money, the conversation, the content or the power that comes with controlling a large stake?


I have spent a lot of time contributing to the Steem community over the last few years and have really enjoyed meeting great people and more than anything and using the platform to discuss and learn about a wide range of topics.

Some of the highlights for me in my time on Steem were attending Steemfest 2, launching letseat beta, and hosting Steem Dublin Meetups.


I can't get away from the fact that the most precious commodity there is not Bitcoin, or Gold, or even Steem but time. There is not enough to go around.

I have not had any time to spend writing on Steem for the last few months and as it happened with the changes to the login etc I just got cut off my from my apps.

It's about time I got hooked back up!


Being away from the platform I am taking a look to see how far we have come and there are a few notable things about the Steem platform.


How do you think Steem is progressing and how are you spending your time in Steem?

I am going to be poking around in the data of the Steem Blockchain for the next few weeks so join me to see what I can uncover.

What have I missed?


Sup @eroche and welcome to #newsteem. There is a way better focus on content since #newsteem came along. Free downvotes (although I have yet to use one) are meant to protect the rewards pool. And 50% curation rewards encourage reading as much as writing.

Nice to see you pop your head in to see what's going on. Will you be making it more of a regular occurrence?

Posted using Partiko Android

Hi Paula I hope to make a more regular appearance. Lets see what #newsteem has to offer :)

How do you think Steem is progressing…

“Progressing” may not be the word to describe Steemit state of the affairs today, @eroche. Let’s hope there will be some heavy learning on mistakes :)

Hey Ed, welcome back!

Gotta be honest though, you've not missed much. Place is dead without much sign of hope IMO. At least a lot of the reward pool draining is being policed now somewhat, but it's a tiny pool in the first place after a year of doing nothing, and little of it is going to smaller users regardless.

The big advantage we had, a large and active userbase, is gone.

Hi Eoin,

Sorry to hear I haven't missed much. I am glad to hear the reward pool draining is being policed. Development on SMTs seems to have progressed. Hopefully this will breed a new wave of users and begin to increase the user base.

That's a name I haven't seen in a while. We now have the SPS for funding STEEM related projects. Tribes are working well for filtering content and communities and SMT's are almost ready to drop.

Some people left but the price hasn't helped and i'm sure we will see a lot more return if STEEM gets back towards a dollar again.

Things are happening but it's mostly building stages rather than bringing the people in.

Hi @niallon11 good to hear from you. The spark that grabbed me on Steem was the innovation. Not seeing too much of that these days. Having said that the development of tribes and community mechanisms for filtering content is really a blockchain first. This is a real innovation and not something that any other chain has really any experience with. This could be important for Steem.

Good to see you back mate. Steem has been stagnant, but there are some small glimmers of hope. Steemit may actually deliver some of the promised features. Some ad hoc communities are thriving with some help from the tribe tokens. The Steem price sucks, but I may buy more.

I'm mostly using Partiko on my phone, despite the lack of development, and Steempeak plus eSteem on the PC, so the Steemit ads are not an issue. At least they reduce the amount of Steem they need to sell to cover their costs.

The last hardforks have changed activity to favour more real curation that includes downvoting the crap. That obviously upset some people, but it's a net benefit.

I'm sure you will catch up.

I still enjoy the community.

Hi @steevc. I just checked out your post count. Wow, you still certainly are active :)

Delighted to hear about the glimmers of hope too.

I am still addicted to Steem. I try to encourage people to keep going. Comments can matter as much as votes.

it's cheaper than hosting a wordpress blog. that's why i stay :)

Wordpress provides lots of nice tools to help you build your site. Steemit could do with that. There has been little noticeable change to the UI on the Steemit site. I guess I should try out other applications for posting, but they all take a cut (I think) which kind of annoys me.

nah, wordpress is bloated. i see the 'cuts' as payment for their time and effort to build the app.

I come here to do the same as I do on every other social media and content delivery platform: to take part in conversations and to publish my creations (photography). Even in the current bear market, Steem pays me much better than I would expect any other platform to pay for the same kind of activities. It's a no-brainer to me.

Steem pays me much better than I would expect any other platform to pay for the same kind of activities.

Very true!

I must check out your blog.

There is advertising all over the place on Steemit.com. Wow its annoying!

You mean people advertising their projects in Trending or the banner ads?

The banner ads are what annoy me :)

Why? You don't see them at all when you are logged into Steem. The people who navigate to steemit.com without having an account see them, which is great because that generates ad revenue for Steemit, Inc, which means they do not have to sell that many STEEM per month to cover the cost of development and servers. Keeping costs as low as possible and generating non-speculative demand for STEEM is paramount at this stage.

I am logged in now and I can see banner adds for Binance?

Funny. I don't see any ads. I wonder why.

Good to see you back in town.

Steem is going through interesting times. 2020 will be the big year...

I still do the daily Steem News if you need a fast read catch-up on what is going on.

Will Let's Eat be making a come back?

I hope 2020 will be the big year. 2019 has been a year to forget in Blockchain I think. Roll on 2020!

Ill read back through the Steem News. I love this publication, it gives a great overview. Glad to hear its going from strength to strength.

No plans a the moment for the Let's Eat comback. If you hear of anyone looking to sponsor competitions let me know. I wouldn't mind making an effort for a comeback for #culturevulture if there was sponsorship for prizes around.

What sort of competitions are you looking to run?

And sort of prizes would you want to offer?

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