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RE: My Personal Demons: How Coming Back From The Abyss Helped Me To Fully Embrace STEEM For The Sake Of Humanity And The Need For Hope

in #steem7 years ago

Agree with you on so many levels. <3 I commend you for staying on track and allowing yourself to have a different experience in life and not giving up on yourself.

I, too, see steemit as hopeful for humanity. I know for me and my partner on our homestead, it is already (1 month in) allowing us freedom to look at income and earnings on the homestead differently! Already opening my mind to bigger life possibilities. NEver have I found a website/blog with that potential. Many of us work hard here, and I trust it will be rewarded (it already is). Here, we have a chance.


NEver have I found a website/blog with that potential.

And I'd like to add that, being the introvert that I am in real life, steemit has given me not a new purpose with my writing, blogging and homestead but it has also given me all the community members from the homesteading group as well as many others that I consider friends now.

<3 <3 <3 glad you're here @goldendawne - you add SO MUCH!!

Thank you!! I truly enjoy being here and assisting!