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RE: STEEM Gave Me An Opportunity And I Saw Potential.

in #steem5 years ago

I saw the potential too when I joined about the same time as you. Some people were making many thousands on a post. I had some make a couple of hundred, which was amazing enough. It was looking like Steem could make up a large part of my annual income, but not so much now. I stuck with it anyway as it was fun for me. I just post about what interests me and I have made a lot of friends. Going to Steemfest twice was pretty amazing. I still think we have something great here if we can just reach a tipping point. It is far from perfect and there will always be those who just try to exploit it, but I think there are enough good people to make it work. I'm an optimist. I'll keep dealing with some of the abuse I see as it can make a difference.


" I still think we have something great here if we can just reach a tipping point."

Totally. I just wish we would reach that point sooner than later, as it gets harder the longer it takes... But we will get there. I'm sure of that.

I wish I would've attended Steemfest. It sure seems like that's a superb source of motivation and inspiration. Perhaps one day... Who knows.

I do worry that something else will come along that people go to instead of Steem, but nothing I've seen has quite matched it yet. There are still only a few active people on Steem and we need more.