Poor Bubby, want a hug?

in #steem5 years ago (edited)

It is interesting to see how different personalities react to similar events on Steem. There are the "type 1" people who get a few near valueless downvotes and their feelings are so hurt they go on a verbal rampage and retaliate. Others are "Type 2" who might have hundreds of dollars removed and just get on about their day. I am more type 2.

For those that are type one, you need a hug?

There, there Bubby, feel better?

The thing is that the ones who react immaturely are also the ones who have been guaranteed their votes for however long which means, they have the expectation that the pending payout value is theirs. They feel they are entitled to what is not actually theirs as it is not in their wallet. Pending payout is still in negotiation and while it has been directed toward an account, there is a window of seven days where the rest of the community can direct more toward or, direct the flow of STEEM away from that account.

We are seeing now how the accounts that have sat in their tight circles trading votes react once their security has been somewhat undermined - like children. As expected perhaps. But, it is part of the process that needs to be addressed and as painful as it might be, sorting this out now is better than attempting it later as the longer it runs, the more powerful and entitled these children become.

@theycallmedan mentioned the potential for these types of people losing future opportunity due to a loss of reputation, but I am not sure it will matter for them that much, even if it is blockchained. However, it is interesting to see how they are treated by the Steem community as for the most part, I reckon that due to their stake, many will still coddle them, wrap them in cotton wool.

For me personally, I'd be pretty ashamed if my behavior and emotional reaction was akin to a toddler throwing a tantrum and people felt they had to handle me with kiddy gloves, like I am mentally unstable.

In all fairness though, there do seem to be quite a few mentally unstable people on Steem - maybe there should be a support group Tribe that can bring in some professionals so they can get some help.

"You have made a lot of progress today and have earned 1000 PSYCHE tokens"

In the grand scheme of things, I do not think it will matter for the larger community as Smart Media Tokens and communities start to do their thing. The reason being is that in order for a token to have some value, there needs to be demand for it and starting from scratch, an owned community will do well if it can control the distribution so it spreads wider. Those who abuse the token will be dealt with in a centralized fashion by the owners because they will see the experience as a part of their business model, and those who screw with their model to negatively affect other users, will be removed.

On those interfaces, the end users never need see the pathetic nature of the handful of entitled accounts on Steem. However, we aren't there yet and because Steem has the value and is the infrastructure that the others will be built upon, for stability, the staked holders have to be predominantly ones who support the system, not abuse it.

The only way to do this is for non-abusers to buy-in and stake up for the future, earn and stake up for the future and make sure that those who abuse have limited access to stake from the inflation pool - as nothing except their capital availability stops them from buying. At the very least, don't make it easy for them to earn from a pool of resources that is more valuable in the hands of those who are looking to be part of improving the ecosystem.

Anyways, I have to get going to IRL work, but regardless of the votes that direct Steem to or away from my posts, it is business as usual. Attitude, perseverance and behavior matter.

Still need a hug?

[ a Steem original ]




"You have made a lot of progress today and have earned 1000 PSYCHE tokens"

Can that 1,000 reward be challenged pretty much like... regular rewards. Because I don't think the day's progress was that deserving.

Absolutely, I think each round should have an "open intervention" to discuss outcomes.

I see.

I see mostly another fan of the popcorn trainwreck that are most [online] self help groups where each trigger achieves exactly that. Time after time. Ad vitam eternam.

It will have an observation deck that is accessible through buying an entertainment-based token called, viewMELTDOWN

I imagine that will be highly successful.
This, together with the open interventions discussion about PSYCHE rewards that will keep poor actors busy, is the perfect business model for exploiting that particular resource.

Hugs? Hugs? Who's handing out hugs? I'll have one!

We all need a hug sometimes.

Time for that hugCoin.


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But please..... No uncomfortably long Man Hugs!! 1.325 seconds Max...!!!

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Bullshit, you know you want a lingering one.

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Ok...... You got Me.. !!

But please...... No Deep Tongue Kissing... !!

I am too "Mentally Unstable" for that...... Heheh

DDG image search (mental unstable)

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I'm type 2. :)

Good way to be.

It’s good you are a type 2 - a rather hefty array of downvotes you have there 😕

Keep writing, and enjoy your Friday.

Yeah, better on me than a host of others I assume and it goes back into the pool for redistribution.

I'll write regardless. Enjoy your morning and talk soon.

There's also a misconception that there is a direct correlation between stake and rewards. If I have X stake, I have direct control over Y author or curation rewards. This thinking completely discounts the other sovereign actors and their opinion of those rewards or how they were obtained. There are a lot of differing opinions about behavior, and it's the job of every author or curator to determine what behavior maximizes return. If you entrench yourself into a certain behavior with the thinking, "it's my stake, I can do whatever I want", while technically true, it is not a reward maximization strategy. It is not the job of any single person to dictate what is acceptable behavior, because values differ. Those values should be expressed with upvotes and downvotes.

Retaliation is the thing that needs to be discouraged. People who make open threats and practice retaliation(especially large stakeholders against smaller ones) need to feel the full force of the community.

I see the pool like a wallet shared among many people. All of those with access can make layaway purchases, but all the others are able to challenge what and how much of it is bought over the next 7 days.

Retaliation is the thing that needs to be discouraged. People who make open threats and practice retaliation(especially large stakeholders against smaller ones) need to feel the full force of the community.

Yep, it is a community responsibility.

It's a co-ordination problem. Anyone who sticks their neck out first will get their account destroyed. Look at how the biggest asshole on Steem has one young fellow on auto-downvote, which means that his account will never earn a dime.

There already are tools to address this. Anyone can delegate to @curangel and anonymously suggest downvotes on anything they want using the @curangel interface. Another method is to use anonymous curation accounts that earn by auto-curating and grow stronger that way and auto-downvote the big circle jerkers and other assholes.

Some abusive downvoters do not post so they cannot be touched by downvotes, which means that healing accounts will be needed to counter the abusive downvotes.

There are several assholes here, I will have to look into it later.

The delegation leaves an attack vector, even if anonymous downvoting as we have seen.

It's true that the assholes could go after the delegators, which is why joining both the upvoting and downvoting trails from separate accounts might be the best policy. However, to my knowledge, this hasn't happened yet. The fellow I'm talking about downvoted the asshole in question using his main account.

@curangel has grown by several tens of thousands of SP and is now slightly below 700k.

to my knowledge, this hasn't happened yet

Seems to be happening pretty heavily considering I DV directly and haven't DV'd any of these accounts.

You mean those who delegate to @curangel get downvoted pretty heavily by the assholes?

I got a massive retaliatory downvote once from the professor because I had been directly downvoting his posts dozens of times. But that was the only time. I got several retaliatory downvotes from the unstable surfer boy but also upvotes. My delegating to @curangel has resulted in no retaliatory downvotes of any kind. @curangel gets all the flak as is by design. I haven't downvoted the biggest asshole directly or indirectly. First of all, it would've be redundant after his announcement. Secondly, he could've wrecked my account, too. The young fellow stupidly went after the biggest asshole after I told him that downvoting wasn't that dangerous - he wouldn't do it at all at first. Now his earning capacity is wrecked for good. Indirect solutions are a must.

I have had about 20 100% from both accounts

Psyche tokens?....I'd need an additional wallet just to handle the overflow...lol.

At least you are confident of making progress. I think that might be Step 1.

No, all hope for me was lost a long time ago. lol. At least if there was a psyche coin I'd get paid for being crazy. lol.

Issuing tokens to the internet crazy would be the fastest and most distributed mechanism possible.

You produce the token and I'll be your ringleader....lol.

I am more type 2.

but regardless of the votes that direct Steem to or away from my posts, it is business as usual. Attitude, perseverance and behavior matter.

Shit mate!! What did you do?

Have you lately signed up in a Funland workshop to learn Korean language or something? :D

I think it was all the Tae Kwon Do skills I gathered as a 12 year old.

¿What? just "Tae Kwon Do" skills only? So, no nunchucks at all in the repertoire my friend?

Ah! come on @tarazkp. Now I see why for now you've not been able to dodge the sudden bombings of that angry dragonfly yet.

but can he play cricket?

Haha🤣 Great post. Admittedly I did moan about random downvotes by arbitrary people with no reason behind their downvote. I moaned not because of the monetary loss, as I am not too inclined to base my life on monetary reward.

Just annoyed me that there were these accounts dedicated to downvotes specifically because they get rewarded for downvoting. Also never like any negativity no matter what form it takes. And when asked what the reason for the downvote was, there would be no response. I have no problem if someone downvotes a post for valid reasons but doing it just because they now get rewards for it made no sense to me.

I have like I said only ever moaned once about this and now I tend to simply ignore and carry on. Most times the accounts downvoting are brand new accounts with low reputation and little to no SP.

All good in my camp. Lol😊 just getting on with it and keeping positive and never moan anymore. Have a lovely weekend.

I have no problem if someone downvotes a post for valid reasons but doing it just because they now get rewards for it made no sense to me.

They don't get rewards for downvoting, it goes back into the pool.

I have like I said only ever moaned once about this and now I tend to simply ignore and carry on. Most times the accounts downvoting are brand new accounts with low reputation and little to no SP.

Move on regardless I think. In the last 2 days about 20 downvotes removed a fair bit of potential Steem from my posts and those who curated them. Roll with it, don't get emotional :)

Agreed. Indeed. I soldier on regardless. It is a necessary "evil" lol😬

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'there do seem to be quite a few mentally unstable people on Steem'

That is quite a statement you're putting here man.
My father expresses himself way more soulful and compassionate: born spineless :-)

I make the prediction that under the right conditions, we are all prone to instability - some are just more prone than others and don't require overly trying conditions ;D

You take away my candy... I kill you!

please don't sir, I will buy you twice the candy once CANDY tokens moon