
Then why bother asking for community input if you only want input from supporters?
Eliminating choice is a clear statement of who i am dealing with.

I told them i was through, but they asked for more.
They were happy with their choice two days ago.

I'm still foggy on what they mean when they say 'community' as in "attention community".

Is all this stuff translated into at least a few languages? I hope they don't just mean English speakers.

There is an entire channel of translations.

Good to know.

Since you say 'channel' do you mean on Discord, not on the blockchain?

Many of us don't use Discord. I only recently relented to the urging of my peers and reluctantly made an account.

Well the channel is on discord it's a collection of posts that were made on the blockchain.

Now whether or not people are paying attention... I don't know.

You can bring a horse to water, but you can't make it drink.

It's always seemed strange to me that no one ever talks about bringing the water to the horse instead.

Actually I thought that too. I thought Ned should just make a foundation and hand it over to the community.

IMO he doesn't need community input to decide how to use his stake.

But I think he is trying to do a better job of working with the community.

What do you make of the blocktrades thingy taking from the pool and nobody else?

I'd like it better if we were all in it together.
Let the witness do things to increase the steem price if they want a raise.

While it isn't perfectly ideal, I think it gets money a little closer to the community.

Also it is clear that SteemIt, Inc has a very limited scope and almost no understanding of their own user base.

Frankly the more money we can get in more hands to promote and build with is a win.

Yeah, it makes utopian redundant and getting that tape worm off the intestines will be a move in the right direction.

It still seems convenient that only the part going to the reward pool will pay.
Maybe we aren't all in this together, after all.

Yeah, he could pull his bacon out of my fire on any given Tuesday.
Think he will?

Once a legal foundation is created he would have influence for sure, but at least that is one step away from total control.


At this point I think short of taking his millions and jumping ship I don't really expect anything positive to come from that corner.

We should have forced them to sell, or stfu, with the whale experiment, but I wasn't calling shots then, either.

None of us are calling the shots! That is for sure.


Lol, ain't freedom great!!?

That's the thing about free speech, it's just as good the second day.

Right, we are going for the best option that was submitted during the submission period.

No foundation / maintain the status quo / I don't want to vote are all viable, but It won't help us to select the best proposal out of the existing 5 so it is pointless.

If NO, won we would just go with number 2 most common and all it would indicate is that 90%+ active accounts still don't care, but the most popular option was none of the above.

Also since the yes vote would be split, it would have to be higher than all combined before we could actually assume the majority of voters don't want any choice.

Even if more than 50% of votes were for none of the above. It still wouldn't even mean we must halt the proposal because we would already know what the best proposal is.

Is the best proposal ever proposed on the list? Nope. Is there room for serious improvement? Yup, thats why we are doing this.

It's derailment. It has nothing to do with freedom of speech. We are being invited to voice our opinions. The people who want nothing can't actually have that by doing nothing.

They were allowed to express their opinion and it was nonsensical / does not apply.

Yes, better to just eliminate the choice,....o.0

The support of the community is pretty clear.