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RE: Are fathers in your countries happy to have daughters?

My father was happy to have me and my husband cherished the birth of both our daughters. However, I won't lie; the general trend is otherwise. People often prefer sons over daughters.

For instance, my aunt has five daughters, and when she gave birth to the fifth, people sympathized with her, some even cried. Yet her husband loved each one of them with whole heart. Despite not being educated, he never despised his daughters, providing them with the best education and pampered them like anything. Now, four of them are doctors. It's all about mentality, I guess, as even education seems unrelated to this preference.

The general trend here is to still celebrate the birth of sons 10× more than the birth of daughters...


You're right, it has nothing to do with education, but more with mentality. And also, with humanity. It depends on what will prevail in a person. Because someone may be born in a place where the traditions are set, but he is just a human being first, so he feels that the traditions are not something right to be followed blindly.
In short, when the heart or reason prevails, everything else becomes secondary. And then people can live peacefully and happily.
Thanks for the honest answer 😊