

Fuck him up, that was my first idea.

C'était quoi donc ta tune avec le sample: ésotérisme experimental?

Ouais cette track est pas dans mon catalogue à cause des samples
Tiens voici:

I know but we gotta take the high road here, we owe it to ourselves. We were doing fine before he came along.

This is too funny!!!!!!!!

🤣😂🤣😂 this boy is going to be paying for premium Snapchat’s next and mad when the girl won’t fuck him.

what makes you think that is not already his morning routine ?

made one as well)

sun 1.png


I don't like Justin Sun, but I like him to fuck you hard.
What's your contribute to Steem? The evil blacklist?

Lol, he is actually retarded 😂😂😂

hey now lets not be nasty. The preferred nomenclature is "developmentally disabled"

Either way 😂😂😂
This is fun

I think you mean "special person"

Thats two opions to much :D