Steemit Webcomics Comic Cover Contest - Beta Test

Great News everybody! remember I mentioned the idea of running another contest, well today's the day we'll oficially test this new contest.

The contest is called Comic Cover Contest, as always sponsored by #steemit-webcomics, yes we are a brand now!! (no we're not xD). The idea of the contest is to re-draw a famous comic cover. This will help you practice how to capture a viewer attention when you want to do comics. Just like choosing a great name for a book or novel, choosing a great cover for a comic is essential to captivate the curiosity of future readers.

I've been thinking about doing this contest for quite a while, but because of my work schedule and all that, it was quite difficult to make it. Since I always want to do an inspirational take of my own contest, here's kinda what I'm talking about:

Example of Comic Cover Entry

Superman Cover.jpg

Referenced Comic Cover


Again, the idea is that from a reference comic cover, you will have to draw your own version of the comic cover. For this Beta test of the contest we'll keep it simple and just keep it like that. In the future however, I would add special requirements to the art, like for example: replace Superman with a Super Old Guy... that will help to trigger your creative bug and let us see some very intereseting entries.


Now let's lay oout the rules.

  • Make a post of a comic cover you make
  • The comic cover has to follow this contest reference and theme
  • The art has to be made by you
  • Digital and conventional art is valid
  • Use #steemit-webcomics as your first tag
  • Upvote and Resteem this post
  • Comment this post with link to your entry so people can see them and upvote their favorites.
  • The contest is open until Thursday August 23rd, 11:59 PM UTC.


This first time it's a free theme. The only guideline is to follow the same concept of the Superman 1st issue cover. You can re draw it as it is, or you can replace Superman with someone else, or you can replace the car with another object. I'll leave that up to you for this first round.


I'm starting the contest and I have to save some SBD to get better rewards. For now let's jsut split 5 SBD between 3 winners in te following way:

1st Place: 3 SBD

2nd Place: 2 SBD

3rd Place: 1 SBD


This contest will be focused on the quality of the art made. To keep things fair, this is how the items to be considered

  • 6 pts - Art: How good an how much details the art has
  • 3 pts - Popularity: The three most voted entries (in the comments of this post)
  • 1 pt - Sneak Peak: 1 Point will be granted if in the post you explain a little how you made the art (show us some sketches or how you paitned it)

That's it everybody. Let me know if you have any suggestions or comments regarding this contest. I really hope this one can take off and become something trendy :D!

Also please spread the love and resteem this post as much as posible :D! Make this beta contest become awesome!!

Remember, I'm running a Discord server and also a Facebook group with @jonathan-greer, in case you want to join and we can talk about webcomics and even collaborate to make ones.

If you also like to make webcomics or comic strips, you can use the tag #steemit-webcomics

Until next time!



Does it have to be a remake of the Superman cover or any iconic comic book cover? I had posted this one on Steemit a couple months back...
kick137mini.pngkick137 real.png

Great. One of the greatest Marvel Comics stories ever.

I have this issue. It was worth a lot.... until they brought her back to life.

Oh very cool! I think I'll accept this one :) I'll probably change the rules a little anyway

Amazing work!! your entry is valid

Yay! Thank you very much! @cobmaximus

Rather than recycle my old art I made a new one for the contest. KICKMAN UNCHAINED!

The chains won't hold kickman!

Thanks for participating, your entry is valid!

Thanks for participating, your entry is valid

Thanks for participate, your entry is valid!

It would be great if you put out a dozen samples of comic book covers that we need to remake. Because not everyone knows the classic comic book covers.


Hey @mister-omortson, yes well the idea O had is that people will redraw the cover I added as a reference, the one where Superman smash the car. However because of the suggestions I might do what you say, add like 3 or 5 suggestions for people to pick and if they re draw those covers they will get extra points. If they submit other covers not related to the suggestions then they will not get the extra points.

@cobmaximus. No se si entendí bien el comentario. La portada que hay que rehacer es la misma portada que rehiciste tú?

Hola @rizada, pues si esa es la idea pero mucha gente está subiendo más entradas. Aún el concurso es conceptual entonces estoy viendo q le gusta a la gente. Puedes tomar de referencia la misma portada de Superman q hice yo, o puedes tomar otra portada de algún otro cómic :)

I'll do the same as you did :)

What an interesting contest! I can't wait to see the entries that people will make :D.

Yeah same here, I'm very excited to see what people come up with

Another awesome project! I like the idea of recreating a reference comics, now the challenge is how to re-invent an existing one & make it more interesting.

Thanks for the support @photocircle I know there are a lot of people in steemit who are very creative and will be able to tackle this challenge easily!