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RE: Steemit Webcomics Comic Cover Contest - Beta Test
It would be great if you put out a dozen samples of comic book covers that we need to remake. Because not everyone knows the classic comic book covers.
Hey @mister-omortson, yes well the idea O had is that people will redraw the cover I added as a reference, the one where Superman smash the car. However because of the suggestions I might do what you say, add like 3 or 5 suggestions for people to pick and if they re draw those covers they will get extra points. If they submit other covers not related to the suggestions then they will not get the extra points.
@cobmaximus. No se si entendí bien el comentario. La portada que hay que rehacer es la misma portada que rehiciste tú?
Hola @rizada, pues si esa es la idea pero mucha gente está subiendo más entradas. Aún el concurso es conceptual entonces estoy viendo q le gusta a la gente. Puedes tomar de referencia la misma portada de Superman q hice yo, o puedes tomar otra portada de algún otro cómic :)
I'll do the same as you did :)