RE: Scrolling Through Followers Sucks
Small gripe. But this is a beta, so it's worth mentioning for future developmental areas...
I've noticed that I get a trickling of new followers daily. Not many, but a few. The problem is that there's no good way to sort them (like by the date they started following me or ONLY by those that I'm already following or by interests on and so forth). There's simply nothing there to help sort the profiles. Nada. Zip. Zero. Zilch.
I can't even imagine what it must be like for people who've got twice, three times, or even four times the amount of followers that I do. Maybe they just don't even bother scrolling through to see who the new folks are. Maybe they just follow everyone indiscriminately. Who knows?
But it sucks. I'd love to find out who my new followers are since most don't leave comments that they're now following; the ones that do leave comments are simply
good to see your awesome content.