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RE: Asking for a delegation to Steemit and misterdelegation to help in the support and fight together against old witnesses of the new clone called ¨H¨.

in #steemit5 years ago

The whole point of decentralization is that the system isn't controlled by a small self-serving elite group. We seem to have fallen into that trap and built a platform that isn't favourable to the nobodies like me. However, it is people like me and people from great communities like Project HOPE, that are building the platform through building their communities with active participation.

So @justinsunsteem @mistertdelegation @steemit I support @edgarare1 post.


Dear @awah

The whole point of decentralization is that the system isn't controlled by a small self-serving elite group.

I understand this view and I see it as an utopia. Something that cannot be reached - not as long as humans will be greedy for power, influence and control.

Small elite groups will always find way to control others. And both steem and hive are excellent example of it. Few people with large wallets and strong influence can end up rulling this chain (or any other). And since decentralization does release such a group from taking responsibility, then it's even better for them.

And this lack of responsibility, lack of threat that someone will open legal lawsuit or put a blame on us for making wrong decisions - this is one hell of a flaw of decentralized governance.

Also please don't get me wrong. I'm not saying that decentralization is bad. I'm saying that not everything need to be decentralized. And that it also comes with huge issues. And surely decentralizing governance is not what I would support.

Yours, Piotr

I agree it is a utopia. An ideology. The problem here is that too much power in too few hands is self-defeating. So both Steem and Hive ended up being controlled by just a few of the self-serving elite.

What I am not sure about - is it that a failure of decentralisation - we always end up with an elite? Is that always inevitable? Or is it just a failure of the way this platform has implemented it through the witnesses who are all in each other pockets? Could the system have prevented whales from dominating?

Either way, it is a failure. What is important is how Steem will support the real communities on Steem like Project HOPE.

Dear @awah

I think it's a failure of an idea, that algorithm can defent us from greed and other human behaviours (like seeking power).

We will always witness strong people, ambitious, controlling, greedy - name it. People who will find a way to become part of that "elite".

That's just simply because we're humans. And blockchain will not stop us from activing like humans.

In that case it doesn't matter whether there is centralisation or decentralisation, as human nature will prevail. What matters is working with like minded people who are not just greedy but those who want to build a strong community.

Hello @awah

It is very true what you are saying, the government of the former witnesses has too many failures and causes too many problems, and as you are mentioning it is selfish. They realized that they lost all their authority and all their business was broken in @steemit with the arrival of our new investor @justinsunsteemit

The trap as you mentioned is called the clone ¨H ¨pero. There is also a very big trap where all the old witnesses and whales are located called the OCD community, from which thank God I was muted, and I am thankful that it was done because I realized that it is walking on the wrong side looking for support, and it never gets any support.

In this way I realize that @steemit is where I belong, and as you also mentioned, the amazing @project.hope a community and an extraordinary project formed by a great leader @crypto.piotr that is fighting day by day to show the support to the communities, supporting new users that are entering to the platform, showing the support to different topics of great importance in the world, fighting also for what is right and benefit for @steemit, we need the support for this great community that shows its commitment to maintain a democratic and neutral system without attacking anyone and always looking for solutions in a very peaceful way.

Thank you so much for your support.

Hi @edgarare1

Thanks for replying to my comment. I have been active in the cryptocurrency space and blockchain space for a few years. I have also been a blogger on various platforms for a very long time. @steemit is, therefore, a natural place for me and I only wish I had discovered it earlier. My confidence and excitement have been dampened a lot through the fork and community split. I just hope that we can now work together to rebuild the excitement that was there before.

I agree with you that the work that @crypto.piotr had done to build the community at @project.hope is amazing. He helped me a lot too when I joined @steemit. In my view, this is the type of community and community spirit that @steemit should support so that we can make a good platform here moving forwards.

Personally, I would like to hear more from @justinsunsteemit and what he intends to do with this platform going forwards. He is a smart guy and he invested in @steemit for a reason and I would like to understand the reasons and his intentions. We need to close the chapter and move forwards.