Steemit Update: Leaving "Survive Mode" ... and Beta!

in #steemit5 years ago (edited)

Since the company's layoffs last fall, the Steemit team has been focused on infrastructure cost reductions and advertising sales on By releasing two state-of-the-art pieces of software (Hivemind and MIRA), reducing operating costs, improving the efficiency of our AWS infrastructure, and beginning our paid advertising program, we are now hitting our cost reduction and revenue projections.

We have picked the majority of “low hanging fruit” with respect to cost reductions and restored the organization to a financially sustainable condition with a worst-case scenario operational runway that is more than sufficient to begin scoping future enhancements to the Steem blockchain and

@elipowell & Christi White

eli + christi.jpg

These changes began with the decision by @ned to hand over the reigns of Steemit Inc. to Elizabeth Powell who became Managing Director of Steemit about 6 months ago. In her efforts to turn the organization around she was aided by our indispensable Head of Operations, Christi White.

To learn more about Elizabeth Powell, check out her appearance on the latest episode of The Steemit Podcast, available now!

New Leadership

In order to shepard the organization into this new phase of growth, we have restructured the company and assigned four new team leads who have demonstrated exceptional judgment, skill, work ethic, and commitment to the Steem ecosystem.

team leads.jpg

Justin Welch - @justinw

@justinw has been leading Steemit’s DevOps efforts since its first year in operation and is now leading the team as Head of Engineering. Neither the Steem blockchain nor can function without the stable, secure, and scalable infrastructure that Justin oversees. Unfortunately for Justin that means that whenever anything goes wrong, he is absolutely indispensable. Since he is also critical when it comes to just all around "making things better," that means he has gotten very little time off, and very little sleep. If we could clone just one person, we all agree it would be Justin. Since we can’t do that, we’re putting him in charge of our engineering efforts.


@vandeberg has been with Steemit since before its inception and oversees all blockchain development as Senior Blockchain Engineer. Michael has had a massive influence over the direction that Steem has taken and with the benefit of hindsight we have all seen the wisdom behind the difficult choices he insisted be made, and the folly of ignoring his warnings. His insistence on pursuing the utilization of RocksDB to migrate Steem to commodity-hardware well over a year ago is just one example of his foresight.


@roadscape, Senior Product Engineer, was one of the earliest additions to the Steemit team. He was also the developer behind, the first user interface for accessing the information stored on the Steem blockchain. @roadscape went on to architect Hivemind, software that not only dramatically reduces the cost of running a blockchain node, but which also unlocks a universe of possibilities for social apps.

Whether people realize it or not, Hivemind also has the potential to offer the strengths of so-called “Smart Contracts” with almost none of the downsides. Hivemind will enable us to create Communities on Steem (among many other features), which is why it will play a critical role in the future of, and the Steem ecosystem as a whole. That’s why we wanted to empower its developer to push it to the limits!


@andrarchy has been a part of the Steemit community since before he was part of the Steemit team, creating content on the platform that helped educate new users on the complexities of the Steem ecosystem. Originally hired as Community Liaison for Steemit, he would go on to become our Content Director, and now Head of Communications where he oversees everything relating to content, marketing, and of course, communications.

Thrive Mode

While these last few months have been incredibly challenging for us, these hardships have not been able to stop this organization, nor this community, from surviving. Thanks to the many hard decisions we’ve made over the last 6 months, and the amazing software our engineers have managed to release, we feel that Steemit Inc. is well-positioned to transition from “survive mode” to “thrive mode.”

Thanks to Hivemind, and the splitting of Condenser into two separate applications (Social and Wallet), we’ve been able to improve at a rapid rate, while maintaining our rigorous security standards. And we’re just getting started. For these reasons, we feel the time is right for ... to leave Beta!

The Steemit Team


But, what about the cake?

The cake is a lie.

Who is behind the account @abusereports? He just started downvoting and making invisible all my posts on my blog from the last week. Is this what you guys call the New Steemit?

The old Steemit, just with more downvote bots pushed by a few whales.

but but
decomposed into 2 apps

Posted using Partiko Android

Yeah, apparently New Steemit means, "It's been fun everyone!"

It was fun while it lasted and I love freedom so much, I doubt this whale abuse scenario will matter in the long run.

That account is not affiliated with Steemit Inc. no @pagandance

You sound like a preacher's kid.

@pagandance that is the man who tells people he want's to put "Bullets in their head" aka BernieSanders! And if Steemit 'allows' this to go on and does not punish that type of behavior yet mutes/censors @fulltimegeek.. then as far as I am concerned "Steemit Inc." is accountable for allowing DEATH THREATS and CRIMINAL HARASSMENT of good people to go unchecked. Everyone is too scared to speak out. You get your rewards taken and suffer a smear campaign/defamation if and when you stand against tyranny.

Give me liberty.. or nothing. I will not stand by and watch while good people are robbed from.. and the rich allowed to threaten the lives of the good people that are the true backbones of this platform.

This platform is the opposite of democracy and absolute lawlessness abounds. There are two classes HAVES and HAVE NOTS. And to those of you who stand by and watch.. and do and say nothing..

blockchain is law means money is the law.
get used to it

Posted using Partiko Android

re here

Bernie Sanders Steem.png

You are a dip shit that offers nothing of any value whatsoever to this platform. Fuck off already.

And FYI everyone is thinking exactly what I just said.. they are just too afraid to say it in public.

Suck it.

I flag trash. You have received a flag.

I think the lyric at 1:30 was his point -

Now these points of data make a beautiful line,
and we're out of beta, we're releasing on time

Did, why u never post nuttin' ?

It's a good job Steemit is all about quality content and not just a bunch of bots posting bullshit...

These are good news. You clap at good news. There are plenty of other venues and targets (and i do mean a lot of them) that badly need some criticism.
This post is not one of them...

I wont flag you because this is an opinion and i dont flag opinions, but i will say that your comment is misplaced.

Complain about bots

Act like a bot


Sift has been on here 3 years, and you are flagging all his comments because you do not like his opinion, do you see this as you controlling the narrative and not allowing a dissenting voice, are you an advocate of free speech? You are not acting like it.

He was spamming, don't give me that free speech bullshit, rofl.

Randomly spamming a post with “bot or moron” is not sharing an opinion. It’s exactly what downvotes are for, trolling.

dissenting voice is a stretch even for you... let’s not jump on the censorship train every time we don’t like something, freedom of speech goes both ways and trolling is an extremely valid use for downvotes.

To further support that @justineh, I think steem did a great job removing flag and adding the downvote button. Flagging etiquette lead to the reward pool being drained by DrugWars battle report and spam, meanwhile we should understand the stake based mechanism which is being reward distribution. If I disagree a photo of a cake is getting 100 USD in reward, I should be able to use my stake to limit (or stop that). That's what consensus based community means.

for those who don't know , downvotes could also be used to increase the vote value of big bid bots . like for example @themarkymark's @buildawhale

Back in the old days (last year) I used to think they (the bot masters) mostly just flagged content in an attempt to hide it, but I see now that when they really want to hide it they bury it in bot comments as well.

And meanwhile as the platform collapses (no real people posting anymore) the price of Steem is going up fast. I sold all mine and put it into Etherium which has gone up even more, but this is all getting moronic. I wonder why they flag my comments that have pictures but not the ones without - I guess bots really do hate images! ("prove you are not a bot")

Feel free to'spam/comment' on my posts anytime as I RESPECT FREE SPEECH and DIFFERENCE of opinon instead of bootlicking brown nosed assholes.

price is going up fast? lel. Ethereum has a netto regeneration in price, so do Iota, Bitcoin, Eos, XRP, OMG, ... Steem has no netto regeneration, last month in April we were at 52cent and now in this massive bullrun @38 cent...THIS is obviously not the direction we want to go lel.

They want to silence us, because they fear facts. On the Bilderberger meeting uhhm I mean Steemfest 4 they will discuss any possibility to strengthen their authoritarian positions. Steem is bigger than their bags.

Of course it's a bull run. Bulls running downhills :D

You were flagged because you were spamming, trying to make it anything else is ridiculous.

For the record, I disagree with your comments being “hidden” from any front end and voiced it, but I fully support your spam comments being downvoted.

Freedom of speech does not mean freedom of consequence.

HAHAHAHAHHA..and lets guess...WHO SHALL determine the 'consequence' to that which some take offense? What shall we serve as 'consequence'..flags, spam to spam comments..or what about a gold ole fashioned ass whooping?

hey , its me again ;-)
while your comments on the front end appear to be somewhat reasonable , I have to point out that things you say on the 'back end' look little different .




"White House Rolls Out Website To Report Silicon Valley Censorship"


There's a huge community of real people here. Look at them all doing the 7/77 challenge on twitter. If they're bots, they must be using alien technology :)

ithereum is so cool bro

no... it's a conspiracy from the Rothchilds ;)

@sift666 may be a conspiracy foil hat wearing anti-zionist but he is my conpiracy foil hat wearing anti-zionist and added a lot to the nutter community here!


Sorry, you don't have enough DRAMA.
You need 4.00000 DRAMA more for a chance to make it happen.
To view or trade DRAMA go to

@inertia You are a genius!! :)

Love it!!

Thank you :)

I wish all the best to the new team!

Can any of the management team, devs, witnesses inform me why this post was made invisible through downvoting? What can you guys do about this kind of behaviour? If it is true that you are serious with telling us this platform left "Beta", then why are the bad things from the past still continuing into the "improved" version?

This is your chance to prove everybody here you are taking things serious for making this platform survive, as to me it is still in "sinking" mode as long as these things continue tot happen here.

Similar shit happened to me a while back, bernieSanders was the cause, i posted something he disagreed with he then used his power to remove all my earnings from music related posts and completely wiped me out. Bullies exist and steem has no way of dealing with them just as in the real world we have no real ways of dealing with bullies in power.

Steem is a free network. If you don't like to see the downvotes just don't look at them use a front end like that shows all the posts. It's pretty simple. When you post content online some people will not like it and will downvote you. If you don't like that part of content production simply disable earnings for your posts completely and make money through steem donations or 100s of other methods that thousands of creators already use. Steemit can't do anything about the downvote, just as no one can censor when you upvote or downvote something. That's the whole point. You missed that i think. Enjoy the freedom, enjoy the transactions and make friends in the network. Ignore negative actions in the free network and if you can't ignore them, make friends who will stand up with you against the actions.

It's not someone that dislikes my posts. It is someone who is waging a harassment campaign against me, trying to shadow ban my profile.

This has nothing to do with freedom but with pure power abuse.

If everybody here is thinking as you are, then I sadly have to agree with @timcliff who stated that this platform is suffering from "Tragedy of the commons".

This means this platform is doomed to fail, while everybody wants to enjoy freedom at the expense of someone else's freedom, especially if you have less power.

That's what the Americans do when they tell you they come to bring freedom and democracy to your country. What remains of your country is a pile of shit and rubble like Iraq, Syria and Libiya.

Enjoy your Freedom until the Bubble bursts!

I thought you were also an employee. Probably a former?

Hahaha. So touching.

That was awesome!


Hellow @elipowell. STEEM is steadily slipping down in ranking compared to other coins. We are no longer in the top 10. It is more like close to 60. Now that Steemit is no longer in survival mode, Are we to expect that Steemit will now actively pursue listings on new and existing exchanges?

No Response. I'm not convinced that Steemit has left "Survival Mode".

wow roadscape official!

Leaving beta is a big step and should build confidence. I hope we can see progress on the community feature soon as this could be vital to building the users up. I know things can be tough, but keep working on making Steem what it can be

Thank you for everyone and special thanks to @roadscape, @vandeberg, @justinw (i guess your GH id's jredbeard :) for reviewing and merging my PRs (my GH id's economicstudio). I also thank @ned, my all time favorite example for many utopian bug-hunting and dev posts :)

ps. Don't forget to merge "show beneficiary setting" How to test? Make a post and set 100% beneficiary to @blockchainstudio :)

ahaan ;) It's never too late ;) Happy to hear that we are leaving beta ;) Hopefully, steem inc will stop selling steem now :'(

would be nice when after they found a source of money (advertising) and sold enough steem for a buffer they would just simply burn the rest of the steem inc held tokens...

Alternatively they could power back up and use the SP for rewarding what they consider good projects. Wouldn't that be better?

Posted using Partiko Android

I definitely think it would not be... who decides what is good or bad?
Its a bit like central planing/socialism vs capitalism...
If they burned it, they would give the current stakeholders more power...
.. and just looking at it mathematically the steem price should double.. what should attract even more users...

Can this be what kicks off the steem rise to over $3?

Could you please link me to a more comprehensive review of your complaints? It can't be just that bots exist? Is it bots with delegation? Tell us more about your specific grievances :)

Magic Dice has rewarded your post with a 9% upvote. Thanks for playing Magic Dice.

You have receive an upvote. Thanks for playing moonSTEEM

Thanks for all your work and the new features!

Here is a first !BEER for the team and there will be more for the team members soon.

The steem beer community says thank you for all your efforts to keep us running our weekly #BeerSaturday since 102 weeks in a row on the steem blockchain.

Greetz @detlev