The winners of my final giveaway!
I know it's supposed to be Splinterlands now, but I was too lazy to change it.
The First Winner:
So, @zacherybinx, congrats!
An SBI share has been sent to your name.
The Second Winner:
So, @kiokizz, congrats!
An SBI share has been sent to your name.
The Third Winner:
So, @meowgan, congrats!
I have sent the card your way!
Huh, kinda lucky. In the end, I didn't really have to reroll anyone. What you can see above, was exactly the winners in order. Now, if the third had also wanted an SBI share, I would have had to reroll him/her, cause they are already out. Fortunately for @meowgan though, she wanted a card! Nice : D
The Last Mentions:
@reconnectnature, @doctorcrypto, @wonderwop, @neddykelly,@jeffjagoe, @von-doom, @stever82, @robertoueti, @bitandi, @chekohler, @shadown99, @knowledge-seeker, @transcript-junky, @memes777, @gniksivart, @niallon11, @samarek69, @vikisecrets, @havwc, @eleazarvo, @andremit, @binkyprod, @gusvzla, @avel692, @niklaus22, @alex-hm, @ronaldoavelino, @pataty69, @deceth, @jznsamuel, @soyrosa, @brancarosamel, @marianaemilia, @pedrocanella, @dosh, @luegenbaron, @cryptobychirag, @funnel, @samsuni, @crookshanks, @athunderstruck, @minhaz007, @potplucker, @calisay, @amr008, @mastergerund, @hiddendragon, @kr7753191, @maxer27, @cknr7, @jafa, @monsterstamer, @btcsam, @annepink, @sunai, @zerofive, @akomoajong, @yanyanbebe, @robinsonlgil, @fullcoverbetting, @kiokizz, @shenan, @samsemilia7, @em3, @cherryzz, @fire-star, @aamirijaz, @simplymike, @meowgan, @aussieninja, @talaxy, @itisjustme, @sparkesy43, @koskl, @jmehta, @w88, @mango-juice, @mk992039, @fastio, @travoved, @schach, @ninjascott, @stortebeker, @gregory-f, @udow, @ninjamike, @bxlphabet, @stepway174rus, @monster-one, @minloulou, @juegosteem, @cryptictruth, @wizardave, @saptech, @alizesmith, @TKORock, @massimoc23, @pinkwonder, @sooflauschig, @senstless, @zeeshannaqvi72, @schachoberhessen, @marcosdk, @fitinfun, @erune, @chinesekan, @zazei, @lucindago, @p-a, @steemstreems, @valnamor, @diaspora1, @crypt0clever, @simonjay, @camiloferrua, @axeman, @qpals, @darthgexe, @ryangreen, @blog-beginner, @self-track, @calprut, @publicumaurora, @yvonnetse, @ulqu3, @bebeomega, @teutonium, @phx3, @hmayak, @comegetsome, @monsterbuster, @flamo, @alvin0617, @tadej, @blind-spot, @cloudblade, @guchtere, @olymim, @vicaaciv, @saraneth, @zacherybinx, @elindos, @jeremycrow, @demolitionpickle, @chireerocks, @bala41288, @achim03, @gregan, @zaidagrilli, @diogosantos, @skepticology, @knistermann, @liuke96player, @isufbakaj, @moncia90, @threejay, @sayalijain, @rentmoney, @cryptofrancois, @butanopropan, @mellofello, @edithbdraw, @cryptofiloz, @casagrande, @zenence, @petrolinivideo, @lube, @lammbock, @jenina619, @n1hal, @nelsonchalbaud, @monstermama, @sgbonus, @dragonblades, @laxmanmah, @foggybottom, @felipejoys, @adalger, @rishi556, @sn0n, @bitinvdig0, @theresteemer5000, @eii, @tggr, @syalla, @che-shyr, @edward2000, @yousafharoonkhan
188 people have joined one of my giveaways, at least once! Now, I didn't only mention you guys to thank you. The other giveaway, for now, will just be a weekly one. Basically, I will be giving at least 1 SBI share every week. So, here's the link for anyone interested:
That's quite neat. So thank you, everyone, for joining those giveaways of mine.
I also wanted you to tell you guys, that I will be starting a new giveaway.
(I know that I have said that this will be my final one, but I have changed my mind...)
A quite simple one too.
All you will have to do to join is to answer a simple question.
Answer a simple question for a chance to win an SBI share! [#1]
Thanks for reading.
You’re awesome!
come and support @teamcn-shop
Posted using Partiko iOS
Thanks :)
Seems I got lucky on the finale.
Posted using Partiko Android
Thanks much @vaitelavicius and there's no link at the bottom.
Posted using Partiko Android
Yeah I know, I was planning to post that giveaway right after posting this one.
I didn't know that I can only post between 5-minute intervals though.
Will have to wait a bit.
But you're welcome, and also thanks for joining my giveaways! : )
Edit: Just added the link.
Here it is:
Answer a simple question for a chance to win an SBI share! [#1]
Damn was always unlucky with your contest ;)
Posted using Partiko iOS

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