The Secret: A Stacker’s Guide to Infinite Riches and Wisdoms Galore!
A: Participate
Hi friends!
Did y’all know i’m hosting a raffle, and that any one of you could be the winner?
The winner of these:
A kick ass 2018 Niue “Stormtrooper”
And a blazing 2001 SML
And the Maple is still mint in its original RCM thick mylar pack!
A heavy dose of stackitus medicine guaranteed to temporarily alleviate even the most severe symptoms of this most beloved and dangerous disease.
Ol’ Lizzy looks pretty fancy in her crown!!! And she could be yours! All ya gotta’ do is send @thedamus some Steem or some SBD (whichev), and get on da list of Asskickers who have already stepped up.
1 Steem or SBD = one ticky
More tickies = more laundry
- @raybrockman
- @davedickeyyall
- @welshstacker
- @silverd510
- @raybrockman
- @mikepm74
- @welshstacker
- @davedickeyyall
- @eaglespirit
- @raybrockman
- @davedickeyyall
- @fat-elvis
- @silverd510
- @bengy
- @raybrockman
- @welshstacker
- @knowledge-seeker
- @knowledge-seeker
- @silverd510
- @raybrockman
- @pbock
- @matthewwarn
- @welshstacker
- @kerrislravenhill
- @raybrockman
- @davedickeyyall
- @mikepm74
- @knowledge-seeker
- @matthewwarn
- @raybrockman
- @matthewwarn
- @fat-elvis
- @davedickeyyall
- @knowledge-seeker
- @raybrockman
- @mikepm74
- @summertooth
- @matthewwarn
- @knowledge-seeker
- @raybrockman
- @silverd510
- @corndogg42
- @welshstacker
- @bengy
- @raybrockman
- @silverd510
- @summertooth
- @summertooth
- @summertooth
- @raybrockman
- @summertooth
- ⚡️
- ⚡️
- ⚡️
- ⚡️
- @summertooth
And just for shits and giggles, i’m gonna’ throw this ol’ 50 on the pile. Good luck Asskickers!!!
And have a little looky-loo at what i espied,
with my one good eye, today on the Menē
And this golden mofo too!!!
Sign up here for a free account, it takes less than 2mins
And If you do, and you send me a screen cap of your welcome mssg, i’ll send you 1 Steem! And, Menē will send you $5 worth of free gold or Platinum!
Damn!!! What are you waiting for?
So get off yer assess, and come down here
‘Cause rock n roll ain’t no middle man
To me it makes
Good, good sense!
Cheers! from @thedamus
Proud supporter of: #steemsilvergold, Precious (even when she’s snoozin’), and all of these guys:
@welshstacker, @silverstackeruk, @buggedout, and the notorious @raybrockman
And my rebellious fambalam over on the mothership #thealliance
You just got splashed by @rewards-pool. For more information on delegating to the @rewards-pool click the following link.
@rewards-pool where a small delegation can get you a big splash.
Thank you for your continued support of SteemSilverGold
I'll take 4 tickies...
You’re in Jackson!
You called for The Stackitis Nurse?

My Clinical Study of Stackitis-Stackitus Article Health Report 8675309
Thank you Mr @thedamus
This post is Stackitus-Stackitis Nurse approved!
Be sure sure to stay on regular Silver treatments
and have all your major food groups in your diet.
Put me in for number 24 after @welshstacker please.
If you are having problems dealing in coping with Stacking symptoms, side effects, or negative outcomes my clinic door will be open.
Kerris L Ravenhill
Steemit Public Health Intake Studies Division: HCW II, N.P.N, D.T.Dip , Bu.S.H.I.T PMAS Stackitis Study Group
Good number Nurse Raven! ✨24✨
2 tickets dude. Steem inbound
Gotcha’ fat-e, and thank you — thank you very much!

🤗 thanks bro. And remember... if I lose... It was the Russians....🤣
Didn’t you hear? It’s now the Chinese!!!
Can I get 2 more tickets TD #17 & 18 please? I am afraid that if you keep adding prizes I may have to see if I can get more STEEM to get more tickets! Haha! STEEM on the way.
Thx k-seeker — you’re in! 🤩👍👍
Appreciate it brother!
Gimme 6, 27 & 36 please and thankye.
You’re on da list!
Thanks 74 and Goodluck! ⚡️🍆😈⚡️
only rich if i get on your new bot wink wink .. i want the gold tho not the coin LOL
I’ll re-edit now eagle — thx Asskicker!
🤩👍👍’re in!
wait in what? oh shoot, i had changed my mind and deleted my request. doh.
#49 Now Available!!! 😁😜🤣🤣🤣
gahhh whatch the scurvy number come up now
I will buy 2 tickets.. can i@thedamus
Just send the loot and a mssg — and i’ll add you to the list of assickers! — i draw Saturday night live on SSG discord via 3rd party bot 😁👍
okk.. I will
Am I the only one with a single ticket to my name on that list ?! 😂
I just ordered my first silver bullion online. The site had good reviews on 2 different review sites so should be authentic hehe.
Hopefully I can make an unveiling post of my fifth piece of silver in a couple of days 😆
Posted using Partiko Android
Good luck @pbock!