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RE: SteemWorld soon to be back with all services!

in #steemworld5 years ago (edited)

I'm still processing the new reality that is coming to light these days. Not much money/motivation left to be able to continue something that failed with the same people again.

I won't leave Steem, that for sure. If hive needs a HiveWorld (would prefer a different name) and I would earn enough for all the work and new servers/domains, I might join, but at the moment I stay cautious.

Two things must be done on hive at least:

  • Limit the number of witness votes one account can do to ~ 5
  • Disable witness votes for active witnesses (kings should not be able to vote for sub kings)

I really appreciate your work, SteemWorld has been guiding me through the Steem labyrinth all this time. One thing is clear: I'm not going anywhere without ChillerWorld!
All the best to you in these troubled times,

Disable witness votes for active witnesses (kings should not be able to vote for sub kings)

I don't think that this is a good action to counteract what you intend to do. Because then the "kings" will just use other accounts with close to 0 stake as witness accounts. That wasn't even unusual for Steem (I can remember @utopian.witness or @busy.witness off my head - even though those were for another reason)

Limiting the witness votes is a must though in my opinion.

I hope you can find a way to move over, Steemworld has been an incredible tool for me over the last couple of years.
Either way, thank you for your efforts.

Apply to the sps?

Should be a no brainer to bring you along, IMO.

Well, he tried that before and most of the Witnesses made sure his proposal was rejected. So, why bother going through it all again?

Lots of changes since then, but, yeah, if we keep the same overlords as before, nothing changes.

After what they done to you, basically trying to force you to hand over your code for a few peanuts, I perfectly understand your choice. 🙄

Thanks for all your work @steemchiller.

I've loved using the tool but totally understand that duplicating a labour of love to another platform with no potential payoff is thee definition of a PIA..