
Sound does seem to have outlived its purpose. Better to be done with it now than later! I shall await for their visual response of gratitude for our kind gesture. I expect nothing less!!

And nothing more!!!

But what if... what if... No, no, no. I shudder just thinking about it. It's nothing, just a passing thought that I should evacuate from my headspace.

Nothing you hear!! NOTHING!

Even nothing is something. Sometimes all anyone ever wants is to be noticed. To be loved. Nothing has feelings, too.

When nothing becomes something then everything becomes something less. I for one, will rue the day that we love nothing, for in loving nothing we lose everything.

Oy you there, toss me the rope. I seem to have stumbled upon a deep deep chasm. Don't bother with a gaslight because I have seen the light. Our Lord Boom has doused me with tank full of knowledge bombs. And, I am happy.

Wayhay, looking back at what I wrote I have no idea what I wrote!