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RE: THE WORLD MUST KNOW. #PureEvil #HellOnEarth

in #syria7 years ago

Near the last 2 minutes of this Report From SGT- he shows an actual VIDEO of a little girl- crying- being forced to walk into a room with dead bodies wrapped in plastic & then. she is put on a stretcher- what happens to her next?

There are some news sites saying this video is BULLSHIT & the little girl is alive & well & that this was a Charity Providing Free Medical Care to the Littel Girl- they were going to give her an XRAY.

If anyone believes that- they seriously have no mental ability to think in their heads. Since when does a MEDICAL CHARITY- lead a little girl- or anyone for that matter- to an enclosed room full of dead bodies wrapped oin plastic with grown adult MEN manhandling a terrified little girl & putting her in a laying position on s stretcher in a ROOM FULL OF MEN- who do not appear to be DOCTORS- and DEAD BODIES wrapped in plastic?

Doubt this is true- then take a good look at that VIDEO at the end lats 2 minutes again- with OPEN eyes.

If the mainstream media wants to claim this girl is alive & well- then where is she? Show her to us!

Please Explain since when XRAYS- are given to Terrified Refugees in a WAR ZONE inside an ENCLOSED CONCRETE ROOM WITH DEAD BODIES STREWN ABOUT?

This is the 100% Concrete Proof of Human Organ Harvesting & Live Human Chop Shops!


You can see the girl a few years later if you follow the links on YouTube and judge for yourself.

I did- before I made this post- I did & I'm Not buying it. Each person has decide what they're going to believe & what the evidence shows them....

Dude are you like for real? There's dead bodies lying on the floor and you are saying it was a Charity Providing Free Medical Care. What sorta Free Medical care keeps dead bodies in plastic bags.?