THE WORLD MUST KNOW. #PureEvil #HellOnEarth

in #syria7 years ago

from SGT

Since 2011, more than 18,000 Syrian human beings have had their organs harvested. Men, women and children. And the mainstream media has been silent. No one is doing anything to stop it. Because it's business: Human trafficking, Satanic ritual abuse, organ harvesting. #PureEvil.

"So do not be afraid of them, for there is nothing concealed that will not be disclosed, or hidden that will not be made known." Matthew 10:26


OMG :(

I agree with your comments, but I wonder how you determine the percentage of those who have awoken?

Indeed PURE EVIL. Thanks for letting us know. Good work, appreciate it.

Monsters exist, we have it in ourselves.

Near the last 2 minutes of this Report From SGT- he shows an actual VIDEO of a little girl- crying- being forced to walk into a room with dead bodies wrapped in plastic & then. she is put on a stretcher- what happens to her next?

There are some news sites saying this video is BULLSHIT & the little girl is alive & well & that this was a Charity Providing Free Medical Care to the Littel Girl- they were going to give her an XRAY.

If anyone believes that- they seriously have no mental ability to think in their heads. Since when does a MEDICAL CHARITY- lead a little girl- or anyone for that matter- to an enclosed room full of dead bodies wrapped oin plastic with grown adult MEN manhandling a terrified little girl & putting her in a laying position on s stretcher in a ROOM FULL OF MEN- who do not appear to be DOCTORS- and DEAD BODIES wrapped in plastic?

Doubt this is true- then take a good look at that VIDEO at the end lats 2 minutes again- with OPEN eyes.

If the mainstream media wants to claim this girl is alive & well- then where is she? Show her to us!

Please Explain since when XRAYS- are given to Terrified Refugees in a WAR ZONE inside an ENCLOSED CONCRETE ROOM WITH DEAD BODIES STREWN ABOUT?

This is the 100% Concrete Proof of Human Organ Harvesting & Live Human Chop Shops!

You can see the girl a few years later if you follow the links on YouTube and judge for yourself.

I did- before I made this post- I did & I'm Not buying it. Each person has decide what they're going to believe & what the evidence shows them....

Dude are you like for real? There's dead bodies lying on the floor and you are saying it was a Charity Providing Free Medical Care. What sorta Free Medical care keeps dead bodies in plastic bags.?


Sean, the girl in the video at the end, she is alive, ppl commented on your YT channel with links to the story.


STEEMIT❗️WAKE UP ❗️Your either under some kind of attack or SGTreport is . VIDEO won’t play without stopping and skipping⁉️ I power cycled all of my equipment and my internet is dam fast . You have issues , and you better pull your head out of your ass otherwise they will over run us ❗️🤨 My name should be changed ❓What is the problem ❓I want to be known as Global Surveyor , and not surveyor1 anymore ❗️If your going to go to war against these monsters you have to be a monster ❗️I make NO SECRET that I am at WAR with the LUCIFERIANS , and I don’t fear them AT ALL . I have nothing but pure vile contempt for all authorities supporting them . And may their GOD help them if I run into one . I will feast on their fucking souls for ever ❗️DO SOMETHING❗️





Says the guy that upvoted ALL of their own comments lol

Let's get all this out people!!
God help and save us all.