Gladys Berejiklian Wins New South Wales, Australia

in #teamaustralia6 years ago

In a move that astonished the pundits and the Australian Labor Party,
Gladys Berejiklian has taken the Coalition to victory. She has created
history by being the first female to have been elected by voters in NSW
and the first Coalition government to secure a third term in the last
fifty years, all while breaking the spin-doctors golden rules.

Picture Wikipedia Commons
In her speech Mrs Berejiklian said
“What is most important to me is that no matter what your background,
where you live, what your circumstance, everyone in this state has a
chance to be their best – a state in which someone with a long surname
and a woman can become the premier of NSW,”

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I can't believe anyone voted for that lying two faced bitch, almost every time she opens her mouth bullshit flows out of it. They sold this election on a platform of economic management but the reality is the state is riding high on the selloff/lease on the Newcastle container port to the Chinese. Without that money the state would be so far in the red we wouldn't be able to afford to pay the public service wage bill.

Why do we even allow banksters to participate in government, all they do is run the state like a fire sale and leave a mess no-one can clean up. By the time she's gone she'll be a billionaire and NSW will be like a third world country.

This election was also a mandate for the berejiklian governments' new draconian police state laws where police can search anything without a warrant. So now police can "raid" any house they want without the normal checks and balances. This is akin to the changes made by the Kaiser in Germany which ushered in Adolf Hitler and allowed him to turn Germany into socialist super state.

Combine that with the Morrison inspired changes to social media laws (starting tomorrow)and it's all here right now. After tomorrow we will al be living (NSW) in a fully functional socialist police state.

Thanks for your reply khufu, I hope your worst fears do not materialise. Personally I dont trust any politician and think they all should have a maximum of two terms.