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RE: The monsters under the bed

in #thoughts6 years ago (edited)

It is clear that nobody wants to lose what they have obtained!

Putting an investment at risk is something that nobody would like to do. But to fear the inevitable (death), it is absurd!

Fear has a natural effect on the human being, who sometimes acts as a preventive against certain threats!

But unfounded fear, the one you suffer when you maintain a negative mentality or have resistance to change and innovation; That kind of fears can be transformed into self-destructive!

In any case it would be like putting a blindfold on your eyes to try not to see reality.

I think we should all exercise control over our "fears", using that feeling in our favor. Try to understand the situations we live and not let ourselves be dominated by the adverse, unknown or incomprehensible.

I think that fear is something that can be "cured", something that can be combated if you intend it.

you will live life at your leisure, with nothing to stop you or conditions.

I am sure that if we understand that psychological profile that we all have that potentially generates the "fear", just at that moment we can do it aside and say openly:



But unfounded fear, the one you suffer when you maintain a negative mentality or have resistance to change and innovation; That kind of fears can be transformed into self-destructive!

I think many do this as they try to protect their illusory ego from harm .