Travel with me to Nagoya, Japan (3)Tateyama Kurobe 我的名古屋之旅(3)立山黑部 by @htliao
This article was written by @htliao / 本文由 @htliao 撰写提交
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Last time I have shared my journey in Kamikochi. You can view it here. Now I am going to introduce the most popular tourist attraction in Nagoya- Tateyama Kurobe.
The Tateyama Kurobe Alpine Route is a sightseeing route between Tateyama, Toyama and Omachi in Nagano, Japan. In 2017, the majestic snow corridor formed by the accumulated snow around the upper sections of Midagahara and Murodo, was open to pedestrians from April 15 to June 22. The snow walls reached a height of up to 19 meters and that view was spectacular.
Tourists can tour along the route by several different means of transport. They are Tateyama Chiho Railroad, Tateyama Cable Car, Tateyama Highland Bus, Tateyama Tunnel Trolley Bus, Tateyama Ropeway, Kurobe Cable Car and Kanden Tunnel Trolley Bus. Most of their travelling time was short while it took longer for the Tateyama Highland Bus.
Tateyama Cable Car
Tateyama Highland Bus
We arrived at the Murodo Station after travelling by bus.
The first thing to do was definitely to visit the famous Snow Corridor.
皚皚白雪堆積在山丘上, 如此美景就在我眼前一覽無遺呢。
The white snow on the mountains formed a splendid picture right in front of me!
After taking the Tateyama Tunnel Trolley Bus, we arrived at the Daikanbo Station. The view from Daikanbo lookout was simply breathtaking and you would not want to miss it.
來到這裡當然要瘋狂拍照! 我也曾到過瑞士的少女峰,沒想到這大觀峰的景色也不遑多讓呢!
Yes, I took a lot of photos here! I had also been to Jungfrau in Switzerland, and the snow mountain view here was on par with that in Jungfrau.
After visiting the spectacular view from the lookout, we took the Tateyama Ropeway to Kurobedaira. This was my favourite transport throughout the trip!
You can enjoy the awesome view around you inside the cable car.
We took the Kurobe Cable Car to go to Kurobe Dam.
The scenery in Kurobeko.
I think I will just stop here, and this is the end of my travel in Nagoya, hope you have enjoyed reading it. Remember to follow me @htliao if you want to see more posts from me.
My other travel blogs:
我的美國夢之旅 #1: 拉斯維加斯與科羅拉多大峽谷 Travel with me to the USA #1: Las Vegas and the Grand Canyon by @htliao
我的美國夢之旅 #2: 三藩市 Travel with me to the USA #2: San Francisco by @htliao
我的美國夢之旅 #3: 洛杉磯 Travel with me to the USA #3: Los Angeles by @htliao

Incredible amount of snow! Is it possible to snowboard there :D ?
Yes I think you can do snowboarding there. :)
Now I want to visit Japan even more! :)
This is so awesome! I'm adding it to my bucket list. I'm from Puerto Rico where is summer all year long; we don't have seasons. I would really love to see something like this. I hope to continue learning from you and I hope you can see my posts as well @evyarts. Thanks for sharing!
omg, that is a LOT of snow :-o thanks for sharing :)
You are welcome :)
I'm just trying to figure out... is this snow? Real snow?! lol :d
It's a wonderful scene!
The photos look awesome. :P
Thank you @krischy :D
A really nice place
wow, beautifull post and nice travel,
i cant wait to see other your trip @someone
Thank you!! :)
wonderful scene enjoy brother
Thank you ;)
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