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RE: Learn Algorithms & Data Structures with GO | Part 2 | Singly Linked Lists

in #utopian-io7 years ago

Your contribution cannot be approved because it does not follow the Utopian Rules.
Utopian rule

  • Tutorials must be technical instructions that teach non-trivial aspects of an Open Source project.
  • basic programming concepts (variables, operators, loops, etc.) will not be accepted


  • your tutorial about list function is just very simple which is no more than the golang document.Utopian needs more good quality work like how to use these function to realize the complex function or practical funciton intead of just introducing how to use the single list function

You can contact us on Discord.



I do not list functions from the Go documentation ... If you had read my tutorial you would have realized that Go has no standard libraries for Data Structures. This is 100 % my implementation for a linked list and is not trivial in the least. I will contact your supervisor on discord.

Way to stick to your guns!!

Yes this looks like a good tutorial, thank you, particularly since this is your own work.
This has been approved again

Thank you very much!

@cha0s0000 based on the author's notes below, and upon you also bringing this up, i agree this one should be approved again.
I approved it again. Thanks @cha0s0000