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RE: Steeditor development update: unlimited content editing and dashboard

in #utopian-io7 years ago

After having completed my post I followed the steps, but didn't change any of the offered options. Than I got a note saying that I my post is not valid, I have to fill in something, or so. What did I do wrong?

Title, tags, and article are required, maybe you forgot to fill out any of these?

Is there a possibility to find very old post without scrolling all post through?

At the moment nope. This is a bug. I will fix it soon, once fixed you would be able to edit your very first post with this link:


Thank you @jakipatryk. I will try soon an other new article on steeditor. I like very much the whole thing, nice clear and good designed. But still I don't understand what is templates for? Sory for my ignorance.

"possibility to find very old post"
I am looking forward to that. I had linked to my art posts on my website, and also on my Twitter, and found Steemit had "lost" some images from my posts. So what I would like to do is upload them again. Its just trying to find those old posts in my stacks I need to scroll through a lot of posts "LOAD MORE".
Would a search function be possible? Like, simply enter the title of your post and get to it without having to scroll through a year or more of blogs.
I would find this particularly useful if for some reason a post contained copyright material and you are faced with a take-down notice! The legal implication of not being able to comply could potentially be very serious!

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