CoinTools v0.0.3: Adding Total Market Cap USD Chart, Localization and Stock Price Emoji

in #utopian-io7 years ago (edited)


CoinTools is A Chrome Extension that has a few useful tools and graphs for Cryptocurrency.

Previous Contributions

Technology Stacks

Javascript that runs in Chrome.


Chrome Webstore

It is available online at Chrome Webstore:

v0.0.3 Feature

Along with bug fixes and code refactoring, this version has the following features:

  1. Total market Cap USD Chart.
  2. Localization for Ranking Table
  3. Stock Price Emoji



Roadmap of CoinTools

  1. real-time graphs
  2. search cryptocurrency
  3. historical data


Localization and Emoji

Total Market Cap USD Pie Chart:

Javascript calling CoinMarketCap API

// get ranking table from coinmarketcap
const getRankingTable = (currency, dom, limit = 100) => {
    let currency_upper = currency.toUpperCase();
    let currency_lower = currency.toLowerCase();
    let api = "" + limit;
    if (currency != '') {
        api += "&convert=" + currency_upper;
    logit("calling " + api);
    dom.html('<img src="images/loading.gif" />');
    var up_or_down_img = function(x) {
        if (x >= 0) {
            return "📈" + x;
        } else {
            return "📉" + x;
        type: "GET",
        url: api,
        success: function(result) {
            let s = '';
            s += '<table id="ranking" class="sortable">';
            s += '<thead><tr>';
            s += '<th class=sorttable_sorted>' + get_text('coin', 'Coin') + '</th>';
            s += '<th>' + get_text('price_usd', 'Price USD') + '</th>';
            s += '<th>' + get_text('price_btc', 'Price BTC') + '</th>';
            s += '<th>' + get_text('change_1hr', 'Change 1 Hours') + '</th>';
            s += '<th>' + get_text('change_24hr', 'Change 24 Hours') + '</th>';
            s += '<th>' + get_text('change_7days', 'Change 7 Days') + '</th>';
            s += '<th>' + get_text('last_updated', 'Last Updated') + '</th>';
            s += '</tr></thead><tbody>';            
            for (let i = 0; i < result.length; i ++) {
                s += '<tr>';
                s += '<td>' + result[i]['name'] + ' (' + result[i]['symbol'] + ')</td>';
                s += '<td>' + result[i]['price_usd'] + '</td>';
                s += '<td>' + result[i]['price_btc'] + '</td>';
                s += '<td>' + up_or_down_img(result[i]['percent_change_1h']) + '</td>';
                s += '<td>' + up_or_down_img(result[i]['percent_change_24h']) + '</td>';
                s += '<td>' + up_or_down_img(result[i]['percent_change_7d']) + '</td>';
                s += '<td>' + timestampToString(result[i]['last_updated']) + '</td>';
                s += '</tr>';
            s += '</tbody>';
            s += '</table>';
            // chart
            let data = [];
            let total = 0;
            for (let i = 0; i < Math.min(15, result.length); i ++) {
                data.push({'coin': result[i]['name'], 'market_cap_usd': result[i]['market_cap_usd']});
                total += parseInt(result[i]['market_cap_usd']);
            api = "";
                type: "GET",
                url: api,
                success: function(result) {       
                    let total_usd = parseInt(result.total_market_cap_usd);
                    let others = total_usd - total;
                    data.push({'coin': 'Others', 'market_cap_usd': others});
                    let chart = AmCharts.makeChart( "chart_div", {
                        "type": "pie",
                        "theme": "light",
                        "dataProvider": data,
                        "startDuration": 0,
                        "valueField": "market_cap_usd",
                        "titleField": "coin",
                          "fixedPosition": true
                        "export": {
                          "enabled": false
                error: function(request, status, error) {
                    logit('Response: ' + request.responseText);
                    logit('Error: ' + error );
                    logit('Status: ' + status);
                complete: function(data) {
                    logit("API Finished: " + api);
        error: function(request, status, error) {
            logit('Response: ' + request.responseText);
            logit('Error: ' + error );
            logit('Status: ' + status);
        complete: function(data) {
            logit("API Finished: " + api);



Contribution Welcome


  1. Fork it!
  2. Create your feature branch: git checkout -b my-new-feature
  3. Commit your changes: git commit -am 'Add some feature'
  4. Push to the branch: git push origin my-new-feature
  5. Submit a pull request.

Chrome Webstore

Install the CoinTools Now!

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