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RE: How to Make a Decent Profit off of Anti-Vaxx retards on Steemit

in #vaccines8 years ago

Im not saying being scared of people over the internet is something you should be, but at least have some respect, dude. Its jacked up how you use the term "retard", while there are people with downsyndrome who are suffering everyday and have a family who suffer with their reality. And no, you don't give 2 flying shits about the issues of the platform, because if you did you would adress them a little more respectfully. If you want to voice your concerns and have it be noticed, you have to work to get it done, and its not done by calling 2 very nice people retards. @canadian-coconut and @kafkanarchy84 are two very nice people with awesome content, and I agree with their point of view. And just because you dont doesnt mean you should go around calling them retards. Apparently they way you use the term "retard" so loosely shows you think of retardation as a joke? Do you think retardation is funny? Who knows...maybe you'll have a retarded kid and you will regret ever saying stuff like that and you will learn its not funny, or if not that, you will get your bad karma. Dont worry, its coming ;)


So you're upset because someone used the term retarded on the internet? Dude look around you. People call each other retard all the time. The phrase is basically devoid of any meaning at this point.

Is there anything else in the post you have issue with?

Also, @sift666, I know you liked the @baahs-caretaker account, what's your opinion on this?

Aside from calling people retards, you are teaching people to scam off of others. Shame less piece of shit.

I'd hardly call it a scam tbh. Nobody has to upvote anything, I'm telling people what can usually make a decent amount of money for very little effort.

Does it really matter whether or not the content you make is fake or real?

When kafka or canadian upvoted my baahs-caretaker account, they did so of their own free will because they liked the sentiment of the post.

What do you have to say for make fun of an autistic guy on steemit calling him your special boy...

Actually, I don't think it was ever actually confirmed that he was autistic. (I still kind of think he is tbh)

It's more just a matter of him having a lot of very stupid thoughts. The funniest thing was that a lot of people humored it or even took it somewhat seriously and even upvoted the posts.

Is that how you justify it? Ok. Im ending our little conversation here. Nice arguing with you ;)

Hey, I'm just saying that you're also kind of making fun of @baah by assuming he actually is autistic

Come on dude, look at the facts.