Finally! Legal Action For Families Of Philippine Children Who Died From Sanofi Pasteur's Denvaxia Vaccine - Sadly This Could Not Happen In The US!

in #vaccines7 years ago

It is a delight to see legal proceedings being brought against pharmaceutical executives involved in the Denvaxia vaccine scandal. I have written about this before and in my previous posts I complained that it doesn't seem to matter if children die! None of the big pharmaceutical executives ever seem to be held legally responsible. 😡

If children die someone should be held responsible! Lets define and prosecute those people! Million dollar salaries should belong to trillion dollar responsibilities!

This is a developing story and we will be following it to see where it goes. As it stands it's still great to see that there is some action taking place but the results remain to be seen and I am inherently skeptical!

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A Very Brief History Of The Sanofi Pasteur Denvaxia Scandal

I have followed and posted about this story for a while now and don't want to belabor the points. Anyone who is interested can see my previous posts or look it up online.

Here are the basic facts as I see them:

  • Sanofi was paid huge sums to develop and then vaccinate 1 million Philippine children against Dengue.
  • 820,000 children in the Philipenes were vaccinated before the project was axed after children started dying with links to the vaccine.
  • Sanofi refunded the money for the unused vaccines but has refused to refund all the money because they are concerned about admitting any liability.
  • A huge marketing operation has been launched to minimise PR harm for Sanofi.
  • Sanofi is trying to get this vaccine launched in other countries.
  • Many children have died and now legal proceedings have begun - let us watch what happens!

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Who Has Been Charged & What Has Happened Legally?

Online research suggests that up to 4 families have now filed complaints which will should call for prosicutors to investigate criminal charges. Charges could be potentially directed at government civil servants, Sanofi's distributor in the Phillipines: Zuellig and Sanofi staff!

It was reported that the Philippine Public Attorney’s Office (PAO) has helped the families of 4 children who died after receiving Sanofi's Denvaxia vaccine.

These new complaints apparently are aimed at:

  • 8 Sanofi executives mostly with local management roles.
  • 15 managers at distributor Zuellig Pharma.
  • Department of Health (DOH) officials involved with approval, purchasing and administering Denvaxia.

How interesting lets watch what really happens over the next few years. PR spin, expensive lawyers, bribery and blackmail are all excellent tools for minimising problems and losses.

An important aspect of this ongoing scandal is how much the makers and major profiteers of this vaccine suffer in this process. We all know it will be nothing like the pain and suffering of the families of those children who are dying now!

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How Are These Poor Damaged Children Dying?

This is so distressing that I don't want to mention too much. However here are some quick facts:

Sonofi's Denvaxine dengue vaccine seems that it does more harm than good. Hence the cancelation of the program. Those children vaccinated with Denvaxia who had never previously had dengue before are dying from severe internal organ bleeding!

Poor little children!

Poverty stricken and brown as usual!

It seems they got dengue worse after having the vaccine. Worse - to the point of organ failure and death!

Sanofi claimed 20 years of research and astronomical amounts of cash was spent in R&D on this vaccine. That doesn't sound true to me and I will be researching this topic shortly.

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Where Should These Proceedings Go From Here?

This is an interesting question and much will have to do with the Philippine legal system which I don't claim to know much about. However I would like to add a few points here. I believe that:

  • Vaccine manufacturer's off shore decision makers in places like Sanofi's headquarters in Switzerland and their CEO should cary much of the blame - after all they made much of the profit for their real bosses.
  • It would mean a lot to me if the manufacturers of these expensive vaccines would vaccinate their own children before any brown child in a developing country.
  • Payments for vaccine injury should be the same around the world and the US should not deny it's population legal restitution from vaccine injury! These companies make so much money!

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Isn't It Outrageous That Criminal Prosecution Can't Be Taken Against Manufacturers By Vaccine Victims In The US - It Must Be More Expensive Than Philippine Litigation & Settlements!

To conclude this post with a little perspective it is important to note that victims of vaccine injury are not allowed to seek criminal prosecution from pharmaceutical companies in the US.

The only options of recourse for US victims of vaccine injury are to deal with a special system which is different from the standard US legal system!

I apologize for my lack of reference links in this post. I normally try to add as many as possible but information about this case is hard to get. I will keep researching and if I have made mistakes in this post I will be happy to rectify them - spelling mistakes included! 😉

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Image sources: 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6.

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