Women as force-multipliers

in #valentine8 years ago

I haven't really wrote anything "romantic" since I've joined Steemit, but since it's Valentine's day I'll make an exception - although that's as close as it's gonna get...

The Real Power of Women

If you ask anyone, what's the greatest power of women, most would answer that it's her ability to give birth to new life.

I generally agree with this, but there's something more which can be a pretty close second.

Most men are generally aware of it while a lot of women are almost oblivious of it. So what is it?

I'm talking about the ability of women to act catalytically in a man's life. In some cases this can take the form of a force-multiplier, where a man capable of X, suddenly realizes he can do 10 times X - due to having the proper motivation (woman) in his life.

There are a lot of motivators in a man's life that can multiply his abilities but the effect of women is certainly among the top ones in the list - often increasing the potency of this effect.

Women might have seen or glimpsed that men might go to unimaginable lengths when in love, but they don't necessarily understand how they can be catalysts of potential and force multipliers. Besides, they aren't really required to, by nature. Their very existence ensures that their presence acts as a catalyst for these things to happen - whether they are aware of it, or not.

A man can straighten his life from chaos, achieve goals that would seem unattainable and generally do things that others would marvel at - all because of a woman in his life (or in his mind - both work).

A woman, by her very presence, and acting as a catalyst and force-multiplier, can indeed create such an effect that it can indirectly (through the force-multiplication of a man's potential) create global ripples and alter the World's history. This is not the stuff of novels and movies - it is actually happening every single day.

But this same catalytic force, can also be a catalytic force for multiplying destructive or self-destructive potential when relationships go wrong, or other type of negative events happen - especially when a man is heavily invested in a relationship - in an emotional sense.

The importance of responsibility in relationships

The emotional investment of men is very important and it's precisely why men must make the right choices in their lives, while women should act responsibly while in a relationship.

Women, in effect, are indirectly "controlling" a "force of nature" and act as "amplifiers" and "directors" of this force. If they are conscious about it, it is their "duty" to act responsibly - like having a superpower would require one to act responsibly. It's like having a superpower to make one a 5-10-100x more potent version of themselves and then point them to either a creative or destructive path.

Needless to say that this increased responsibility also involves the process of separation - which is better to be smooth in order to avoid unleashing a force-multiplying effect on destructive potential.

Instead of a Conclusion, I'll close with a wish...

May all men and women find the catalysts that they need in their lives in order to glimpse their own creative greatness and make their life full.

Love is indeed a powerful catalyst and it should be celebrated.

Happy Valentine's Day!


This is correct, however, I would try to tell it in a couple more ways.

Women and Men are opposite but complimentary. Everyone seems to accept that statement, and then turn around and make assumptions that men and women have the same goals and drives and thinking.

Third wave feminism is one of the most evil things to ever hunt females. Mostly because the feminists not only ignore the above, but actively seek to destroy it. Which ends up with women either ignoring their power, or systematically abusing it. (Where have all the good men gone? Well, they were destroyed by feminists.)

Men have an excess of strength. A woman by herself can feed herself and a bit more. A man can feed a family. (speaking of farming in specific) A man only has to expend about 40% of his energy to sustain his life. If he has no greater purpose, than that is all he will expend.

Another explanation is that men love women, women love children. Children need food/shelter so a woman loves a man indirectly for the ability to provide for children. This gives a woman an incentive to get a husband, and a man an incentive to get a wife. But if you mess with this dynamic, such as giving the kids and the resources to the woman in a divorce. The divorce is a win-win for women, and a lose-lose for men. This is why women need to understand the power they have, and understand the destruction this multiplying affect can have.

It is because men love women that feminist rhetoric works at all. There is a group of men who have tried feminist rhetoric back on women, and it fails utterly. Such as 1 in 5 homeless people are women. This gets people fired up to do something about it. 4 out of 5 homeless people are men doesn't even get a peep.

Women love opportunistically. Men love romantically. If you don't understand these two views, then you are liable to believe the reverse is true. To show this, look at some common perceptions. Women often talk about how looks are the only important thing to men. From a woman's opportunistic point of view, this seems logical. But, if we look at the facts we get a different story. A group of men were shown a random group of photos and asked if they would date or not. The result, about 80% of women are date-able. Compared to about 20% of men being considered date-able by women.

Some very bad misunderstandings happen because of the assumption that male power and female power are the same.

Obviously you are correct in more than one ways, but I didn't want to increase the ratios of darkness by adding the vices of modern relationships... I was sure someone would write them though ahahaha... :D

In a way, the evolution of relationships had a dual effect. You get something but you also lose something. In the past, when marriages due to love were scarce (that's if it was even a choice of the man and woman - and not their families who chose for them) the catalytic benefit of men getting the force-multiplying effect was much scarcer also.

The relatively new widespread ability of men and women to freely engage in relationships of their own choice, based on criteria like attraction, can greatly increase the force-multiplying abilities. A man will be way more motivated by a woman he is actually very attracted to, than not.

At the same time, the ability of women to choose, based on more hard-"cold" criteria, is the tradeoff. And from there we have a whole sort of problems arising for relationships.

I won't generalize issues like who wins through a divorce, because these are highly region-specific, depending the legal framework in place, but in some countries of the west it's definitely a very unbalanced equation. It is also unbalanced in some developing countries or backward-oriented countries, where women have much fewer rights. As societies, we need to find the optimum regarding these.

Another explanation is that men love women, women love children.

Indeed. This gives me a good opportunity to add that if there is something similar to how men can amplify their force through women, that's how women can amplify their force through their children. The motivation of a mother to protect their child can create circumstances of force-multiplication that could be similar to how a man can amplify his own power by being motivated by a woman. That can also be seen in the animal kingdom as well. A cat protecting her kitten can beat even 5 large dogs going after the cat's home.

If this reality is a virtual reality, then I'm pretty certain that these man-woman, woman-child, animal mother-animal children relations are all similarly "coded" as equations that involve the multiplication of power.

Wow! Love this post!

Thanks :D