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RE: People claim to not like bullies... until they show up with a bag of candy.

in #voting8 years ago

You're just a butthurt old man. There's nothing here worth downvoting. You can see just by the number of followers and users how many people LOVE @randowhale.


Oh I know they love it. I even used it a few times. :) I don't even KNOW if the person I was responding to was even talking about you. They didn't say. I would kind of doubt it though.

I agree with you I'd rather see people using it to promote other people, and policing that would be difficult as they could just use other accounts like you said. Most people don't have other accounts, but it might spur them to create them.

Fuck you, sanders, you fucking grub.

Welcome to the preminer-haters-club :) It's not just him. and btw, he is also @nextgencrypto - either that, or when bernie gets butthurt, nextgen flags.

like magic

Oh he is A LOT of people. I'm actually glad they down voted me with 100+ accounts. Do you have any idea how revealing it is to go through these accounts and see who transfers money to where? He is A LOT more accounts than that, but yes he is definitely that one and that is the one he seems to send most of his Randowhale funds to. They go from Randowhale to Randowhalefund and from there mostly to Nextgencrypto.

Whether they are all the same people I cannot say for certain. Yet it is obvious they have an extreme level of collusion IF they are different people.

Clearly, such collusion is improbable, so, it's the same asshole. With all his SP and accounts, this is his dream. As a child, he was the awkward fat kid that never quite understood that being normal was not worth aspiring to, yet, he wasn't, and he got ragged on. He lived, for that day, when he could rag on someone else. He got his wish, a game, where he was able to rack up godlike XP, before anyone else joined the virtual world.

I would guess, also, that he is less than 25 years old.

He better hope no one ever doxes him if this is how he wishes to act. As more people join no telling what type of a loon he might set off. :)

I don't think he is uniquely kooky. Haven't you noticed the way that steemit employees act? if you ask me, premined attracts sociopaths. The special type that live in mom's basement. They hate people so much they want to play chess with them, by remote control.

Premined was a big mistake with this ecosystem.

EDIT: Though prior to this all we had was currencies, not other content. So they didn't really have precedent to compare it to. This is one of those hindsight is 20/20 type of situations.

also it was mining contracts. This is a problem, if it was to be applied to voting, straight out of the gate. with the witnesses, and this mining... How can that not be bad for such a democracy.

And 25 years concept. Very possible since he called me an old man. :) Which I am fine with being called. I myself am 47.

I'm 41, and most people think I am both physically and mentally 28-32. By most metrics, I am probably exactly that physical age. When I was 15 years old, I broke my radius bone, but there was no fracture visible on the x-ray. It was like the bone break of a 6 month old baby. There is something weird and strange about my body, and my mind. I am both accused of being an old man, and a baby at the same time.

Maybe I am the reincartanion of Lao Tzu. Lao Tzu means 'teacher who is a baby'.

It was definitely based on Chuang Tzu, who was also similarly both childlike and extremely mature at the same time mentally.

Anyway, what fun this all is, really. I suppose they thought this would be a neat cover for their scam. It's just like I used to say back in 2013. Cryptocurrencies are an idea, that are like, an avenging angel. They are moving money around in strange ways, and giving power to people who would never have had any power otherwise.

A lot of people LOVE Britney Spears, that does not make her music any better.

From what I read of your @randowhale you are using a random number. I don't know if it is just a flat range or not. Have you considered making it even more lottery like?

Adjust your algorithm so maybe there is a 1% chance of a 10x as powerful vote as normal, 10% chance of a 4x as powerful, and then the remaining 89% or so doing what you are already doing? That would make it kind of like buying a lottery ticket.

Right now you can make more or less than your $1 SBD, but I suspect you keep that pretty closely monitored. It right now is a lot like buying a lottery ticket, but it is not quite as dramatic as a lottery ticket might be.

I do realize that to do this you'd have to recalculate percentages.

As to butthurt and looking for something to complain about. I just write about whatever comes to mind. That usually comes from external stimuli. You haven't done anything to me, but I'd been thinking about the growing groups of voting bots that get paid for their services for awhile. That inspired my post.

Now talking hopefully WITH you, but I'll be satisfied with AT you if that is all I can get also made me think of ways your service might be even cooler. So I shared that with you. If I was butthurt and jealous because I didn't get there first I wouldn't bother. ;)

I do KNOW you care about the community. We ideologically differ strongly in some areas, but that doesn't mean I think you don't care.

I do think when it comes to business and focusing on yourself and maximizing your potential you are willing to go further than I am. That also means you'll always have more than I do. I am totally fine with that.

So if you like the idea and it helps you at all... have at it. If not. Oh well, something else will inspire me to write about something else. It always does and it is actually fairly RARE that it has anything to do with you. :)

Wow, you came out cheap from this :)

There ya go. I had to go do some server work. I came back and am sitting at zero. All I can say is I can now make a note of all of these accounts that subjectively down voted and start keeping an eye on them. ;)

If you start with that bully, don't expect to go away with a bag of candies :(

Oh I came away unscathed until this time. Yet this time I am spinning to a positive. The 100+ accounts that down voted me all at the same time gave me far more data to mine than I was expecting. There is good information here. In that regard it was worth it. If he actually wanted my attention, he got it. :)

So you WIN even if it looks like you lost ;-)>
A sign of a REAL winner and superiorly intelligent being!

I didn't call him names. I didn't tell him he was butt hurt. In other words I did not do what he was doing to me. Two wrongs do not make a right. He also knows I care about the community though I disagree with him ideologically on a number of things.

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