14 Reasons To Quit Smoking Weed

in #weedcash5 years ago

14lbs actually from 241 to 227. I have not smoked any of that sweet sweet green in 24 days & have dropped 14lbs of fat. At least, I’m pretty sure it is fat. I’ve been lifting a lot of weights lately & have gotten stronger in these last 24 days so I don’t think I’ve lost much if any muscle.

The biggest factor in my weight loss has been no more desserts & much less sugar than when I was fulfilling my munchies with sweet treats. My discipline to intermittent fast has also been much better.


As an example of how I have been intermittent fasting, I just ate a giant meal at about 4pm after a leg workout (multiple sets of power cleans, sumo dead lifts , Romanian deadlifts, single leg step ups & box jumps). My next meal will be at 9 or 10 am tomorrow so will have a fast of 17-18 hours between meals. I don’t do this everyday, but pretty close to everyday. Once a week I will try to go a little longer up to about 22 hours.

I think it is very important to eat a lot of good food after lifting weights. Been trying to eat a lot of veggies & high quality protein. Still eating some carbs but am being very selective about them & seem to feel better the less carbs I eat.

I have no specific weight loss goal. My normal range I’ve been, since I lost a lot of old football weight (290 all time hi) is 240-215 (at 6’6) so I could probably drop another 10lbs pretty easily and would feel great but am just trying to be as strong and healthy as possible, with a lifestyle that is not too extreme & easily maintained for the long run. Lots of yoga classes & weights & walks.

There is a little more pain I’ve been feeling in my body with no thc or cbd, but I’m also probably having less overall inflammation from a cleaner diet. Sleep is the biggest thing that has suffered from no weed, but it is more incentive to be really busy in the day so I am dead tired by the time I go to bed. Everything affects everything, so it can be difficult to account for all of the different variables affecting how we feel, but I pay attention to them.

Time to wake up the dog & take him for a long walk down at the local disc golf course to help digestion & relaxation.


Stay healthy Steemit 💚


Good for you man! Thanks for sharing your progress on the blockchain, youve inspired me to grow fire ass buds, now i need to get inspired and get my fat ass up to lose some weight myself, lol

That’s nice to hear, I always appreciate seeing your positivity on the blockchain.

If you can be disciplined enough to work & have a family & keep a perpetual grow going. You can surely figure out how to drop some lbs. All about what & when you eat.

This guy has a lot of good info on intermittent fasting, though he intentionally uses big words & is probably on some steroids 😂

The info is still based on good research I think

Do it! The weed will wait! Shit change your life and world! Right the fuck on!

Posted using Partiko Android

Always nice to take a break & see how the mind works sober, but I miss the perspective

Well beautiful thing is you can choose what you want! Love it man and crush those goals!

Posted using Partiko Android

I used to play quite a bit for about 10 years, had some success as an amateur but never got good enough to make money playing pro tournaments. After a while I started getting a lot of hip inflammation when I would throw so I only play once or twice a year these days. Still walk around the course with friends who play competitively though. It is a great game

I’m happy to hear that your weed fast is going well and you’re feeling good. I’m a big fan of the intermittent fasting as well. The OMAD diet has worked really well for me and I find I have a lot more energy. It’s funny how digestion consumes so much energy but we are taught that we eat for energy. It’s a fine line. How’s your sweet dog doing? How old is he now?

Ya, I read the warrior diet book a long time & it made a lot of sense. I feel like I would shed a lot of weight really fast if I stuck to it. I will occasionally only eat one meal in the day.

& yes digestion takes a lot of energy, especially if the food is not clean. Was trying to make that point to a nurse last weekend, who was convinced fasting is bad for you. She was very overweight & popping ibuprofen & Tylenol all day 🤮so she wasn’t hearing anything about it.

Surprising you like the omad, most females I know seem to have a harder time fasting for physiological reasons, so you must have good discipline.

Big bubba is about 5.5 now, he’s healthy & happy as can be. My little 140lb buddy

I remember checking that book out when I worked at Borders Books in 2005. Back then, before OMAD became a thing it was looked at as crazy. Everyone was recommending lots of small meals all day long. I’ve always naturally leaned towards the warrior diet concept. I’v never been a breakfast person. Eating at the end of the day after the days “hunt” just seems right.

Yeah congrats! Most people notice a huge difference when they quit or cut back. I cut back a lot. But I’m pretty good at controlling my eating when I smoke. I prefer to just use a tiny amount, and it’s actually fun to try to fast while under the influence.

Posted using Partiko iOS

Using a tiny amount is the perfect way to go. You get all the benefits & the least negatives. I’m gonna try to just use a little bit soon, but my history is to abuse the shit out of it!