Why is Microsoft Windows 10 even bigger crap than previous versions ?

in #windows105 years ago


Microsoft Windows is the most used operating system among desktop computers. This software belongs into so called "closed source" software where users don't have source code available and which they can't copy, modify or redistribute modified versions. Users need to pay licence fee to Microsoft for using it.

About 15 years ago I made big decision to try some other than Windows operating system on my computer. That was the best decision I ever made about computers! While I was sheep, novice user of Windows who even didn't know there are some other operating systems available, little bit tired and to grown up to just play games on computer I decided to explore some hacking tools. I ordered some cd called "Hacker Black Book" and start to read tutorials there. It was dial up time at least here in Serbia. While reading I bump to sentence "If you are serious about being hacker you'll need some
more powerful operating system than Windows. Try to find some Linux distribution." That triggers thought in my head. There is more powerful operating system than Windows ? How can it be ? How can I obtain it ? How can I try it ? At that point my Linux voyage started.

I went to my local game supplier (read pirate) asking him to give me copy of Linux and he said "Why would you want it at all ?" and refused to give me copy of Linux. He knew if I start using Linux I'll stop to be his sheep and buy from him. I tried to contact some England web site requesting copy of Red Hat Linux, they told me they'll try to find local supplier and connect me, but at the end I found out local web site linuxo.org and get copy of Slackware Linux from them. I got excited
and start installing this new operating system as dual boot. I was very surprised when I noticed that after installation and booting up I end up in terminal without any graphical interface. Quick reboot back and ask question on that forum to find out I should type startx command in terminal to get GUI. Things were better, but my dial up modem was not recognized because it was so called 'winmodem' whose brain was in Windows. I complained on forum again and one generous user with nicname Sioux (thanks man) told me which file I should edit and which values to write in and after that my modem started to working and I could login to linuxo.org from Linux. I felt like Wizard who is casting spells. I felt like hacker already at that level. I changed something in code of some file and things starts to work.

I started to learn, visited forums a lot, meet great computer community, accept superior philosophy of Free Software Foundation and finally end up obtaining faculty course about Linux in Belgrade. Soon after I knew much more about computers, networks and everything. Then I got part time job opportunity to help maintaining present Linux server and Asterisk PBX on it for one call center. Despite I didn't know anything about Asterisk I quickly founded it's configuration files and downloaded "Asterisk Future of Telephony" book to learn it. I mastered it and got regular job as system administrator who is writing perl script for automated callings for call center which employs me. Now I am system administrator working from home, maintaining 4 Linux servers over which couple of different call centers are working. It works good and most of the time I have not anything to do, just build some addons for my perl scripts. Oh yes Linux is great platform to learn programming too. I learnt perl too.

Why is Windows 10 crap

It's much better to have a job and to use computer in smart way, than just sit on top of gold mine or in front of it playing various games. :) Now we come to Windows again. Because my wife wants to try to work from home as chat moderator over Skype, I decided to install Windows 10 into Virtual Box to have native Skype version. I know Skype can be installed on Linux too, but I don't like closed source Microsoft programs mess up with my computer. In Virtual Box it can't make big damage except to ruin Virtual Box installation. With them you never know what they are doing and how they mess up with your files during installation.

Installation was to long, painful, last for more than hour and after it it worked like crap. When I click anything I need to wait couple of minutes to see any reaction. During installation it also hanged for a while and I didn't know if it is dead hang, or is it doing anything or will it ever finish ? At the end it installed but worked so slow that it would torn a part nerves from the most calm person like myself. I quickly release it enters in "100% hard disk utilization" problem. Wtf ?! Just after fresh install ?! I couldn't believe what I saw. I started to search internet for fixes, started to disable various services like "Windows search", "Windows defender", setting up Google Chrome, Skype, stopping everything, even changing some value for driver in use because it's broken! It looked like disk utilization was fixed. Then my wife got some pdf files to read.I tried to install Adobe Reader and Windows got cultural shock and was completely unable to install Adobe Reader ?! It hanged at 90% and when I try to stop it it throws message "Ongoing installation can't be stopped ?!" Hahahahah really ? Even when it is hanging ? Disk utilization started again full scale 100%... The best thing was when I turned off Windows Defender and it turned it on again by itself.

That rise big question who my computer serve ? Me or Microsoft ? If you use Windows ask yourself this question. It seems it served Microsoft and not me and easily change settings I made in it overwriting it with something Microsoft wants. I knew it never respected user freedom, but it seems in version 10 they pushed that to whole new level. You turn off feature and it turns it on soon after. LoL I was so shaken and nervous that I decided to turn this Virtual Machine off before I throw up my computer through Window(!) and to install skype on my good Debian Linux where I AM IN CONTROL OF THINGS and not some corrupted company which does not care for it's customers.


Conclusion is simple. With version 10 Windows became even bigger crap than it was 10-15 years ago, pushed restrictions on users to whole new level and on top of that have disk utilization problems after fresh installation. It can't even install Adobe Reader on it! Ordinary damn pdf viewer! It is the worst peace of crap I ever seen. Just hope more people will release these facts and accept values of Free Software Foundation so we can put this peace of crap in well deserved Recycle bin.


Even in these days of Android phones, the common person has no idea what Linux is. It amazes me just how many people are out there that don't give a second thought about their operating system.