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RE: A Laugh a Minute at the Retirement Manor

in #writing7 years ago

That cracked me up! xD hahaha
Those first two jokes were really lame!

Just leaving this here because I thought this was really funny too :
What do you call a man with a rubber toe?
"Roberto" - say it with an accent xD

I'm sorry that was probably really bad *cries


Thanks for your response.

I'm ashamed to say I just snorted out loud when I read your punchline. lol

Thanks again and keep smiling!

hehehehehe I snorted too the first time I heard it. xD

Irony= talking about lame jokes, followed by one about a man with a rubber toe, LOL

What can I say, I find lame jokes really funny anyway! xD Lol!

Me too, my eight year old boy thinks he's a comedian, what do you call a nervous cow with the shakes? Beef jerky!