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RE: Mystery Object Oumuamua: Interstellar Comet, Asteroid or Spacecraft?

in #news7 years ago

I think it is only a matter of time before we start exploring the farthest corners of are universe. With how fast technology is progressing I think it is inevitable. I think Elon is the Edison of our time. I remember several years ago when he proposed that he would create a car that drove across America without any gas and people laughed him out of the room. Well that car is now closer than ever. Some of the ideas floating through that mans mind are literally out of this world. As SpaceX gets better and better at launching and safely landing their spaceships the costs will be cut substantially, and who knows if he will even be the first to land on the red planet, never bet against Bezos. Really interesting short book I read "How we'll live on Mars", I highly recommend it. Pretty sure there is a condensed TED talk version as well