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RE: Mystery Object Oumuamua: Interstellar Comet, Asteroid or Spacecraft?

in #news7 years ago

This is awesome, thanks! This video is a trip.

Yeah, it's a double-edged sword when it comes to this interstellar object cause on one hand if it's an alien craft then it would have serious ramifications for us, especially if these visitors are unfriendly. On the other hand I think a lot of people on our planet would love to have definitive proof of life outside of our solar system, I know I would.

I think what I like most about this story is that the universe (and multiverses) have endless possibilities. It's still perplexing that we as a species are not making a more concerted effort to explore our own solar system. Sure, it's expensive, but private companies are showing that there are ways to reduce cost significantly. I think the will is missing among our leaders showing a real lack of imagination.



The possibilities are infinite and just because we are not aware of them does not mean they do not exist.

ITs all about consciousness, we are simply not aware of 99.99999999999999999999999999% of the universe let alone the multi verse/alternate dimensions......

We are far less than a drop of water in the ocean......Quite overwhelming really yet here I sit in my own world full of sensory experiences that seem so real.....


i don't think you will find physical beings living on a comet so i doubt much will be found using scientific instruments., .. IF there are aliens living on it they will most likely be non-physical, light beings that would be pretty unlikely to be using 'walkie talkies' ;-)

Agreed, though if it has to do with "aliens" i doubt its that they are LIVING on it but its more of a tool of some kind. Maybe some kind of satellite or capsule that is carrying something.

I think it is only a matter of time before we start exploring the farthest corners of are universe. With how fast technology is progressing I think it is inevitable. I think Elon is the Edison of our time. I remember several years ago when he proposed that he would create a car that drove across America without any gas and people laughed him out of the room. Well that car is now closer than ever. Some of the ideas floating through that mans mind are literally out of this world. As SpaceX gets better and better at launching and safely landing their spaceships the costs will be cut substantially, and who knows if he will even be the first to land on the red planet, never bet against Bezos. Really interesting short book I read "How we'll live on Mars", I highly recommend it. Pretty sure there is a condensed TED talk version as well

informative post :) thumbs up for u @v4vapid