Introducing Steemhunt Chrome Extension and New Airdrop | Sponsor Report - #22

in #steemhunt7 years ago

Today we are proud to introduce our new Steemhunt Chrome Extension. We see so many unique products on Steemhunt everyday, so we thought it would be cool to make these products visible whenever users open a new browser tab. So, we have launched the Steemhunt Chrome extension!

Install the Chrome extension here -

Screenshot 2018-09-23 11.05.30.png

Screenshot 2018-09-23 11.08.26.png

With this Chrome extension, you can:

  • See the top products of the day in every new tab
  • See how many products are shared and how much hunter rewards are generated each day
  • Change the new tab into dark mode

This extension will show only the top 12 products that have completed their ranking competitions (i.e. the “Yesterday” tab and all previous rankings), so that it won’t affect the daily ranking.

One More Thing - New Airdrop for Chrome Extension Users

Having a Chrome extension for Steemhunt has two main benefits:

  1. It can increase the traffic to the Steemhunt website.
  2. It will increase the visibility of Steemhunt to users outside of Steemit community.

In order to promote the benefits, we have initiated this new, daily airdrop for Chrome extension users. After you have installed the extension, you must type your Steemit ID on the blank field top right. Then, you will receive 100 HUNT tokens per day. The tokens will be given the first time you open the new tab each day (by KST).

Screenshot 2018-09-23 13.46.11.png
(Please type your Steemit ID on the blank field top right.)

Screenshot 2018-09-23 13.46.23.png
(If your Steemit profile photo pops up, you are successfully set up for the airdrop.)

Update for the Shuffle Button Lottery

We launched the new airdrop to promote the usage of the random shuffle button last week, and found that this airdrop is really helping undervalued hunt posts to become visible.

To further promote the usage of the random shuffle button, we decided to divide the lottery time into 4 slots per day - 0-6 | 6-12 | 12-18 | 18-24 - based on KST (Korean Standard Timezone), and now you can win between 10 to 100 HUNT tokens once every 6 hours period by clicking the shuffle button on the “Today” tab. Theoretically, you can earn a maximum of 400 HUNT tokens per day if you are that lucky.

Weekly Sponsor Rewards

Here are the week’s STEEM rewards and HUNT tokens reserved for sponsors (the STEEM rewards have already been sent to sponsors from 90,000 HUNT tokens per day are reserved for the sponsors, which amounts to 630,000 tokens per week.

(For more details of HUNT token airdrop, please check out the manual -


Total: 3,467,055,215.34 VESTS (1,715,617 SP) / 2,033,154,493.32 VESTS OPTED OUT

User NameDelegatedProportionSTEEM RewardsHUNT Tokens Reserved
@misterdelegation2,033,154,493 VESTS (1,006,074 SP)000
@freedom300,000,000 VESTS (148,450 SP)20.9229.58131,808
@jaewoocho200,000,000 VESTS (98,967 SP)13.9519.7287,872
@cryptomancer182,374,976 VESTS (90,245 SP)12.7217.98280,128
@goodnewworld172,607,180 VESTS (85,412 SP)12.0417.01975,837
@tombstone50,855,446 VESTS (25,165 SP)3.555.01422,344
@arama43,521,220 VESTS (21,536 SP)3.044.29119,122
@i-d30,510,816 VESTS (15,098 SP)2.133.00813,405
@cool19122,383,541 VESTS (11,076 SP)1.562.2079,834
@bramd20,378,685 VESTS (10,084 SP)1.422.0098,954
@thomasmore20,342,062 VESTS (10,066 SP)1.422.0068,938
@myb20,339,967 VESTS (10,065 SP)1.422.0068,937
@kwonjs7720,326,411 VESTS (10,058 SP)1.422.0048,931
@changyoon20,243,030 VESTS (10,017 SP)1.411.9968,894
@topping15,182,302 VESTS (7,513 SP)1.061.4976,671
@steemtopark14,294,778 VESTS (7,074 SP)1.01.4096,281
@tradingideas14,239,245 VESTS (7,046 SP)0.991.4046,256
@jobviet14,216,879 VESTS (7,035 SP)0.991.4026,246
@orientaledu12,181,834 VESTS (6,028 SP)0.851.2015,352
@machellin11,127,546 VESTS (5,506 SP)0.781.0974,889
@roelandp10,171,230 VESTS (5,033 SP)0.711.0034,469
@heeyaa3510,165,219 VESTS (5,030 SP)0.711.0024,466
@fur2002ks10,161,263 VESTS (5,028 SP)0.711.0024,464
@lighthil10,156,875 VESTS (5,026 SP)0.711.0014,463
@lucky28,129,058 VESTS (4,023 SP)0.570.8023,572
@jxwonah6,130,101 VESTS (3,033 SP)0.430.6042,693
@nexgen6,098,650 VESTS (3,018 SP)0.430.6012,680
@forealife6,098,558 VESTS (3,018 SP)0.430.6012,679
@supergiant6,087,754 VESTS (3,012 SP)0.420.62,675
@warjar6,083,197 VESTS (3,010 SP)0.420.62,673
@autorent5,136,125 VESTS (2,542 SP)0.360.5062,257
@legend365,022,941 VESTS (2,486 SP)0.350.4952,207
@kevinwong4,068,217 VESTS (2,013 SP)0.280.4011,787
@drtobi184,067,149 VESTS (2,013 SP)0.280.4011,787
@michelios4,063,032 VESTS (2,011 SP)0.280.4011,785
@ys13023,661,505 VESTS (1,812 SP)0.260.3611,609
@beerbloke3,457,989 VESTS (1,711 SP)0.240.3411,519
@ukk3,081,675 VESTS (1,525 SP)0.210.3041,354
@zzings3,081,675 VESTS (1,525 SP)0.210.3041,354
@jewel-lover3,051,402 VESTS (1,510 SP)0.210.3011,341
@relaxkim2,730,150 VESTS (1,351 SP)0.190.2691,200
@dandesign862,634,097 VESTS (1,303 SP)0.180.261,157
@howtostartablog2,500,000 VESTS (1,237 SP)0.170.2471,098
@bitrocker20202,440,174 VESTS (1,207 SP)0.170.2411,072
@dmoons.kim2,439,368 VESTS (1,207 SP)0.170.2411,072
@funworlding2,235,912 VESTS (1,106 SP)0.160.22982
@freegon2,054,450 VESTS (1,017 SP)0.140.203903
@kingbit2,054,450 VESTS (1,017 SP)0.140.203903
@exyle.steemhunt2,034,258 VESTS (1,007 SP)0.140.201894
@holbein812,034,236 VESTS (1,007 SP)0.140.201894
@mastertri2,034,183 VESTS (1,007 SP)0.140.201894
@vega3212,034,122 VESTS (1,007 SP)0.140.201894
@absolutefive2,033,542 VESTS (1,006 SP)0.140.201893
@zet2,033,378 VESTS (1,006 SP)0.140.2893
@jingdol2,033,069 VESTS (1,006 SP)0.140.2893
@storysharing2,033,068 VESTS (1,006 SP)0.140.2893
@aromi2,032,572 VESTS (1,006 SP)0.140.2893
@kview2,032,327 VESTS (1,006 SP)0.140.2893
@glory72,032,212 VESTS (1,006 SP)0.140.2893
@thegreatgatsby2,031,709 VESTS (1,005 SP)0.140.2893
@str7motor2,031,146 VESTS (1,005 SP)0.140.2892
@happyberrysboy2,030,379 VESTS (1,005 SP)0.140.2892
@helix2,029,278 VESTS (1,004 SP)0.140.2892
@studygroup2,028,554 VESTS (1,004 SP)0.140.2891
@futile2,027,721 VESTS (1,003 SP)0.140.2891
@happylazar2,026,503 VESTS (1,003 SP)0.140.2890
@olorin2,025,076 VESTS (1,002 SP)0.140.2890
@drorion2,000,000 VESTS (990 SP)0.140.197879
@feelsogood1,821,487 VESTS (901 SP)0.130.18800
@andyx1,612,977 VESTS (798 SP)0.110.159709
@jasonshick1,517,277 VESTS (751 SP)0.110.15667
@khimgoh1,422,023 VESTS (704 SP)0.10.14625
@sunwatcher1,227,722 VESTS (608 SP)0.090.121539
@woojumbs1,218,461 VESTS (603 SP)0.080.12535
@lcc31081,214,525 VESTS (601 SP)0.080.12534
@lotusofmymom1,016,757 VESTS (503 SP)0.070.1447
@yangpankil271,016,564 VESTS (503 SP)0.070.1447
@greenlatte1,016,530 VESTS (503 SP)0.070.1447
@heonbros1,016,515 VESTS (503 SP)0.070.1447
@teoit1,016,478 VESTS (503 SP)0.070.1447
@pandafam1,016,436 VESTS (503 SP)0.070.1447
@ilovemylife1,016,406 VESTS (503 SP)0.070.1447
@remnant391,016,375 VESTS (503 SP)0.070.1447
@dragonticketer1,016,295 VESTS (503 SP)0.070.1447
@kibumh1,016,269 VESTS (503 SP)0.070.1447
@levoyant1,016,125 VESTS (503 SP)0.070.1446
@kgbinternational1,016,097 VESTS (503 SP)0.070.1446
@bigbig1,015,891 VESTS (503 SP)0.070.1446
@jeffjagoe1,015,464 VESTS (502 SP)0.070.1446
@yunoyang1,014,900 VESTS (502 SP)0.070.1446
@seoinseock1,014,651 VESTS (502 SP)0.070.1446
@itshim1,012,460 VESTS (501 SP)0.070.1445
@toocurious1,012,338 VESTS (501 SP)0.070.1445
@freedomno11,011,668 VESTS (501 SP)0.070.1444
@gwoo1,011,347 VESTS (500 SP)0.070.1444
@mcoinz791,010,688 VESTS (500 SP)0.070.1444
@eastmael1,010,604 VESTS (500 SP)0.070.1444
@armdown813,662 VESTS (403 SP)0.060.08357
@elevator09810,335 VESTS (401 SP)0.060.08356
@superoo7809,067 VESTS (400 SP)0.060.08355
@d-zero770,447 VESTS (381 SP)0.050.076339
@mightynick719,444 VESTS (356 SP)0.050.071316
@yoon614,281 VESTS (304 SP)0.040.061270
@kungdel610,240 VESTS (302 SP)0.040.06268
@dreamien610,234 VESTS (302 SP)0.040.06268
@japanguide610,098 VESTS (302 SP)0.040.06268
@boostyou609,916 VESTS (302 SP)0.040.06268
@zorba609,761 VESTS (302 SP)0.040.06268
@forykw609,089 VESTS (301 SP)0.040.06268
@ogochukwu608,059 VESTS (301 SP)0.040.06267
@magnus19607,144 VESTS (300 SP)0.040.06267
@mcfarhat508,534 VESTS (252 SP)0.040.05223
@felander508,512 VESTS (252 SP)0.040.05223
@maurice1975505,826 VESTS (250 SP)0.040.05222
@flash07452,813 VESTS (224 SP)0.030.045199
@preparedwombat406,847 VESTS (201 SP)0.030.04179
@ziscad406,833 VESTS (201 SP)0.030.04179
@tata1406,824 VESTS (201 SP)0.030.04179
@romankibo406,823 VESTS (201 SP)0.030.04179
@deuksoo84406,815 VESTS (201 SP)0.030.04179
@thomas-bm406,795 VESTS (201 SP)0.030.04179
@revisesociology406,759 VESTS (201 SP)0.030.04179
@knight4sky406,558 VESTS (201 SP)0.030.04179
@rimowa406,382 VESTS (201 SP)0.030.04179
@joannewong406,360 VESTS (201 SP)0.030.04179
@rehan12406,075 VESTS (201 SP)0.030.04178
@ocupation405,618 VESTS (201 SP)0.030.04178
@yandot405,062 VESTS (200 SP)0.030.04178
@espoem404,937 VESTS (200 SP)0.030.04178
@jeaniepearl404,902 VESTS (200 SP)0.030.04178
@shanibeer404,896 VESTS (200 SP)0.030.04178
@eurogee404,740 VESTS (200 SP)0.030.04178
@plokmi404,595 VESTS (200 SP)0.030.04178
@mooring404,591 VESTS (200 SP)0.030.04178
@kriptonik404,254 VESTS (200 SP)0.030.04178
@maxwell95304,867 VESTS (151 SP)0.020.03134
@drigweeu304,797 VESTS (151 SP)0.020.03134
@moneyhacks304,635 VESTS (151 SP)0.020.03134
@andimywapblog12303,921 VESTS (150 SP)0.020.03134
@metama303,767 VESTS (150 SP)0.020.03133
@simplymike303,676 VESTS (150 SP)0.020.03133
@stans303,675 VESTS (150 SP)0.020.03133
@dinsha303,541 VESTS (150 SP)0.020.03133
@pialejoana303,458 VESTS (150 SP)0.020.03133
@for91days293,887 VESTS (145 SP)0.020.029129
@ted7284,633 VESTS (141 SP)0.020.028125
@mittymartz267,636 VESTS (132 SP)0.020.026118
@stokjockey244,097 VESTS (121 SP)0.020.024107
@valth223,766 VESTS (111 SP)0.020.02298
@monkeydoo213,477 VESTS (106 SP)0.010.02194
@themonetaryfew206,941 VESTS (102 SP)0.010.0291
@jaytop205,445 VESTS (102 SP)0.010.0290
@soosoo203,785 VESTS (101 SP)0.010.0290
@leesongyi203,784 VESTS (101 SP)0.010.0290
@jisung203,426 VESTS (101 SP)0.010.0289
@smartbear203,426 VESTS (101 SP)0.010.0289
@maarnio203,423 VESTS (101 SP)0.010.0289
@mellissaying203,423 VESTS (101 SP)0.010.0289
@kr-ebook203,417 VESTS (101 SP)0.010.0289
@wony203,416 VESTS (101 SP)0.010.0289
@dakeshi203,416 VESTS (101 SP)0.010.0289
@zaedol203,413 VESTS (101 SP)0.010.0289
@deanlogic203,413 VESTS (101 SP)0.010.0289
@epitt925203,407 VESTS (101 SP)0.010.0289
@johnrenald203,406 VESTS (101 SP)0.010.0289
@gidung203,406 VESTS (101 SP)0.010.0289
@room9203,404 VESTS (101 SP)0.010.0289
@bahagia-arbi203,404 VESTS (101 SP)0.010.0289
@wefund203,403 VESTS (101 SP)0.010.0289
@matildah203,402 VESTS (101 SP)0.010.0289
@styner203,395 VESTS (101 SP)0.010.0289
@hanen203,392 VESTS (101 SP)0.010.0289
@direwolf203,368 VESTS (101 SP)0.010.0289
@yann03203,319 VESTS (101 SP)0.010.0289
@sitha203,304 VESTS (101 SP)0.010.0289
@cocorush203,303 VESTS (101 SP)0.010.0289
@kuberaleez203,299 VESTS (101 SP)0.010.0289
@ldsklee203,288 VESTS (101 SP)0.010.0289
@ab7b13203,287 VESTS (101 SP)0.010.0289
@seraphim502203,286 VESTS (101 SP)0.010.0289
@xyzashu203,262 VESTS (101 SP)0.010.0289
@team101203,228 VESTS (101 SP)0.010.0289
@ravenkim203,224 VESTS (101 SP)0.010.0289
@kimzwarch203,221 VESTS (101 SP)0.010.0289
@bobby.madagascar203,122 VESTS (101 SP)0.010.0289
@nowoojun203,056 VESTS (100 SP)0.010.0289
@osmerj202,993 VESTS (100 SP)0.010.0289
@transcript-junky202,970 VESTS (100 SP)0.010.0289
@didic202,944 VESTS (100 SP)0.010.0289
@zoltarian202,924 VESTS (100 SP)0.010.0289
@chappuller202,924 VESTS (100 SP)0.010.0289
@jznsamuel202,605 VESTS (100 SP)0.010.0289
@onehand202,520 VESTS (100 SP)0.010.0289
@elementm202,458 VESTS (100 SP)0.010.0289
@sambasambo202,444 VESTS (100 SP)0.010.0289
@coupleumbrella202,394 VESTS (100 SP)0.010.0289
@humptydumpty1202,388 VESTS (100 SP)0.010.0289
@mermaidvampire202,387 VESTS (100 SP)0.010.0289
@nateaguila202,273 VESTS (100 SP)0.010.0289
@otom202,261 VESTS (100 SP)0.010.0289
@thethreehugs202,221 VESTS (100 SP)0.010.0289
@kenmelendez202,196 VESTS (100 SP)0.010.0289
@mers202,178 VESTS (100 SP)0.010.0289
@aurorax202,171 VESTS (100 SP)0.010.0289
@gremayo202,152 VESTS (100 SP)0.010.0289
@jibupune202,151 VESTS (100 SP)0.010.0289
@cryptouru202,150 VESTS (100 SP)0.010.0289
@yonghwanny194,505 VESTS (96 SP)0.010.01985
@dray91eu184,417 VESTS (91 SP)0.010.01881
@veenang166,570 VESTS (82 SP)0.010.01673
@normalbro165,000 VESTS (82 SP)0.010.01672
@chrisli151,915 VESTS (75 SP)0.010.01567
@mobi72151,661 VESTS (75 SP)0.010.01567
@sbd.giveaway141,656 VESTS (70 SP)0.010.01462
@wilhb81132,034 VESTS (65 SP)0.010.01358
@daan007121,754 VESTS (60 SP)0.010.01253
@artcreator121,475 VESTS (60 SP)0.010.01253
@strosalia101,602 VESTS (50 SP)0.010.0145
@team2dev101,541 VESTS (50 SP)0.010.0145
@lintah101,416 VESTS (50 SP)0.010.0145
@hungryhustle101,330 VESTS (50 SP)0.010.0145
@just2random101,318 VESTS (50 SP)0.010.0145
@freyman101,305 VESTS (50 SP)0.010.0145
@mr-chuckles101,263 VESTS (50 SP)0.010.0144
@hattaarshavin101,222 VESTS (50 SP)0.010.0144
@bboyady101,217 VESTS (50 SP)0.010.0144
@ericwilson101,195 VESTS (50 SP)0.010.0144
@karamyog101,045 VESTS (50 SP)0.010.0144
@replayphoto60,965 VESTS (30 SP)0.00.00627
@solomon50760,959 VESTS (30 SP)0.00.00627
@randomgoodstuff60,851 VESTS (30 SP)0.00.00627
@lpessin60,706 VESTS (30 SP)0.00.00627
@jeronimorubio60,650 VESTS (30 SP)0.00.00627
@rangertx40,677 VESTS (20 SP)0.00.00418
@lusterdoom40,671 VESTS (20 SP)0.00.00418
@growroom40,471 VESTS (20 SP)0.00.00418
@tim3w4rp30,512 VESTS (15 SP)0.00.00313
@schroders30,512 VESTS (15 SP)0.00.00313
@earlmonk22,235 VESTS (11 SP)0.00.00210
@fundsteem20,545 VESTS (10 SP)0.00.0029
@unicron20,342 VESTS (10 SP)0.00.0029
@xomegax20,328 VESTS (10 SP)0.00.0029
@aykaco20,321 VESTS (10 SP)0.00.0029
@amala20,245 VESTS (10 SP)0.00.0029
@fruitdaddy20,245 VESTS (10 SP)0.00.0029
@vegan4theanimals20,245 VESTS (10 SP)0.00.0029
@birdbanter20,234 VESTS (10 SP)0.00.0029
@everydaycoach20,212 VESTS (10 SP)0.00.0029
@okekemmichael10,169 VESTS (5 SP)0.00.0014
@streetsmart10,164 VESTS (5 SP)0.00.0014
@onlyforyou10,163 VESTS (5 SP)0.00.0014
@doodleman10,112 VESTS (5 SP)0.00.0014
@walterben9,964 VESTS (5 SP)0.00.0014
@steeming-ali8,119 VESTS (4 SP)0.00.0014
@anutta4,197 VESTS (2 SP)0.00.02
@hensey4,050 VESTS (2 SP)0.00.02
@fashionsteemit3,044 VESTS (2 SP)0.00.01
Total3,467,055,215.34 VESTS (1,715,617 SP)100.0%141.384630,000

SEND 141.384 STEEM TO 250 SPONSORS (7 omitted less than 0.001)

(If your name is not in this report, you may have been delegated SP after we already sent STEEM rewards. In this case, your rewards will be calculated next week.)


Please follow @steemhunt account and join our chat channels (Discord is more active):


A place where you can dig products and earn STEEM.

Support Steemhunt with Steem Power Delegation:
500 SP |1000 SP |5000 SP |10K SP |20K SP |50K SP |100K SP

More information about our Sponsor program is here
More information about HUNT Token Airdrop is here
Support Steemhunt by following our curation trail


WHAT?! LOL, so legit. nice work! :)

Wow, that's pretty cool! I will definitely install that add-on when I get to my desktop. Another 100 Tokens daily is too nice to pass up.

Hello! Thanks for your work! But:
"After you have installed the extension, you must type your Steemit ID on the blank field top right. Then, you will receive 100 HUNT tokens per day. The tokens will be given the first time you open the new tab each day (by KST)."
I have no such field in the top right!
Best regards!

THIS.IS.LOVELY! Installed :)

Btw have you thought about adding the shuffle button also to the extension? Would be cool IMO..

Hahaha... so you love steemhunt now ! I told you from the beginning ... LOL!

Wow, Awesome!
I will set alarm/ reminder every 6 hours to claim the lottery :)
Thanks @steemhunt <3

Moved to the Hive platform.

I'm always looking forward to Mondays so I can see all of your updates @steemhunt

Wow, fantastic news!

Already Installed! Works excellent for me, the way you wrote in your instructions. Easy to set up!

Good luck guys! 👋 👋 👋

nice work, extension looks neat and displays cool products of the day by their ranking. very cool, loved the extension. thanks

nice updates, gonna check out the extension! but i wish the shuffle lottery was twice a day, 4 times seems too much.

yeah that's why we've made the average bounty double, so you can still get the same amount as before by participating 2 times a day :)

yes makes sense, will increase user engagement too with ppl coming back for the lottery! keep up the good work :)