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RE: Steemit Relationship: Clearing the air. (200+sbd & 10,000sp delegation challenge!)

in #steemit7 years ago

mhmmmmmm!!!! I always appreciate getting to see some of your perspective Jared.

If you're going to dance with addiction, best to acknowledge where you have power and where you don't, and act accordingly. Cuz abstinence isn't all that fun, is it.

I love this... Where IS the power? And no. Abstinence isn't fun at all. Lol...I'm a lucky shit in that respect last few years. Strange thing, I feel less need to have sex recently then I have in the past...and it's really sweet! It's smoothing out my rough spots I think. I feel more relaxed. Given, I probably have a lot more sex on a regular basis than most people. But I like that I'm not so focused on it...and it still happens =) Yay!!! maybe Steemit can be like that too...I can be not entirely obsessed with it, and it still happens, and it's beautiful.

An another note, El ChanChan got hit by a car =( We found him.. It's been a weird thing...I still can't quite believe he's actually dead some moments. It's been really hard, definitely a system shock. I'm thinking that I would like to take it as an opportunity for reshaping myself a bit... We found him probably 4 days after he had been it was a lot of not knowing, worrying, hoping, trying to stay positive...and after we found him, definitely felt like somebody ripped off one of my limbs for a few days...just a big hole in my chest. I was feeling pretty somber for a while, trying to work towards the positive things.

I love you Jared!!! Thank you for being in my life. It's pretty exciting to get to access a part of you on here =)


So sorry about Chan Chan, and your loss. I'm going through real grief myself lately, also as a newcomer to really feeling that, so I really feel for you. It's a strange process, and for me, it hits hard suddenly and unexpectedly and it can infuse everything I'm doing. Life is so, so precious. Feeling for you, brother.

I'm delighted to hear your relationship with sex is shifting away from needing it. That needing part, that must be the darkest side of addiction, the worst kind being when somebody can't go without. Your question, where IS the power, is a great one. Where indeed. On one hand, the power is in the relationship, your consciousness and honesty with yourself about it, and your own cultivation of the ability to leave patterns behind when they don't serve the bigger picture. On the other hand, the power is in the greater ecosystem of your life, the way that you receive nourishment and/or live in balance with every other part of your life. The most addicted people I know are filling needs unmet by the rest of their relationships with whatever is comfortable and familiar to them rather than diversify their lives. Just my 2c,I struggle with these issues on the daily.

Feeling super grateful the world has you in it, that you grace my life, and that I get to see some of your fun parts in the digisphere when you're not close enough to touch, @itchykitten. Love you!!