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RE: #trending #153

in #trending7 years ago

This response doesn't answer my questions, but that's okay.

Also, I don't appreciate how you're trying to tell me things were easy for me. I worked pretty damn hard for what I earned and continue to do so. Downplaying my efforts doesn't sit well with me. You weren't here and you based your response on hearsay. I'm not angry. I do realize that's a common misconception around here, so whatever, I deal with it, it's not the first time I heard it.

Spam/Abuse is the #1 thing holding the platform back, the ability to easily manipulate the system for easy money is encouraging endless low effort abuse.

You said that.

I suggested you lead by example. You're in a position to do so, so please try. It's a simple request.

Naive new members are misled to believe this post on trending is here because it is popular. Many do not realize this post of yours is on trending because the slot was bought and paid for. They see the money and they want to emulate the effort. One good way to fight:

Spam/Abuse is the #1 thing holding the platform back, the ability to easily manipulate the system for easy money is encouraging endless low effort abuse.

... is to lead by example. That is why I suggest it.

Now you know why I came here today to get your attention.

I wish you all the best. Thank you for your time. I've upvoted your previous comment 100%, it was the best I could do because I feel time is money and you deserve that at least. There's no hard feelings on this end.

Have a nice day. I'm done here.
